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Date Posted: Thursday, June 02, 07:51:35pm
Author: Nell
Subject: Yes it is, (r)
In reply to: Genevieve 's message, "That's very interesting...(r)" on Thursday, June 02, 06:18:19pm

an interesting direction for the show. It probably would have helped keep the focus squarely on Nikita (which, you know, as far as I'm concerned wouldn't have been a bad thing!) and loosened up the claustrophobia and rigidity they got with teh central four stuck in oppositional pairings. Especially if it happened that early, Nikita would also have had to stand on her own much earlier - which would also be interesting - and would have changed all sorts of things. Either they would have had to tone down her objections to Section, or have Operations and Madeline find some reason to put up with her obstreperousness......

Though I have also read an interview - long, long ago, something where one of TPTB, Surnow maybe? talking about first seeing Alberta and RD walking in to some kind of audition/screening - and having some kind of vision about how they were 'it' - which suggests, to me anyway, that at that point they began reconsidering whatever they had in mind for the original plot line.....(though, honestly, I'm having trouble imagining *any* sort of serious plot line plan for USA of all networks that killed off the main tough-guy male character, unless they had some scheme to get another on in the exact same episode.....). Hmmm. lots of thinking....

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