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Re: Year One -- Mike, 18:11:06 October 01 2003, Wednesday
>I nominate 6-25-3 as the second best entry, because it
>makes no sense. I mean, huh? What?
>The best one, however, is the first... about a
>chipmunk possibly mouth-carrying meat. It's not the
>actual entry, but the context... I mean, did Ben
>really start his journal to write things like that?
>Apparently so... and I applaud it. There are too many
>serious issues in the world, and not enough
>carnivorous chipmunks.
I really liked entries 11-17-02, and 10-21-02. There are probably a bunch more, but still. Hilarious. And VERY indicative of the kind of stuff that Ben tends to have happen to him. Oh, and 1-26-03. And 2-12-03 had that cursed background...And 2-19-03...And, finally, 4-16-03 marks the beginning of the Pac-Man musical.
I didn't like Optimus Prime week. There just wasn't too much to it. I mean, links. That was it. I like it when you post amusing things. Oh, which bring me to another point, which is that, as much as it might be called for, I find it a tad sobering (well, bad, anyway) when an entry is serious. Factitious is one of those people who has a significant chunk of his appeal stem from his quirky sense of humor. Ones like 2-1-03, for example.
Oh, and since the holiday season is coming up, make sure to keep your colored text. It's neat. I demand it, as a raving fan.
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