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Date Posted: 22:59:11 October 02 2003, Thursday
Author: Maryna
Subject: Year Two!
I notice your list of webcomics is smaller. Does this mean you're becoming more webcomically discriminating? I also noticed that since I ended my LJ I don't have a link anymore. This is practical but upsetting. I should at least get a broken link!
Also, you haven't mentioned pirates, chipmunks, or drunken sex so far. This has to change.
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Re: Year Two! -- Factitious, 02:46:41 October 03 2003, Friday
>I notice your list of webcomics is smaller. Does this
>mean you're becoming more webcomically discriminating?
I removed "Megatokyo" and "Hound's Home", but I added "Antihero For Hire", "Rugg", "The New Adventures of the Slug", and "Morning Improv".
Oh, and I also removed "Fans" and "Killroy and Tina", not because I've stopped reading them, but because they've moved to Graphic Smash. The links page is meant to reflect my daily browsing habits, which treat subscription comics separately from all others. Eventually I should probably make a full list of the subscription comics I enjoy, but that would take a while and I don't know that many of my readers would be interested.
>I also noticed that since I ended my LJ I don't have a
>link anymore. This is practical but upsetting. I
>should at least get a broken link!
A broken link? Your LiveJournal is still up there, so links will work. But as there's no new content, I've moved it out of my folder of journals to check regularly, and into my folder of journals to check occasionally. Jason Shiga's LiveJournal has been moved for similar reasons.
>Also, you haven't mentioned pirates, chipmunks, or
>drunken sex so far. This has to change.
It will.
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Re: Year Two! -- Mike, 11:22:23 October 03 2003, Friday
Thank you for changing the text for the link to my LJ. Since the Rent Quiz hasn't been up there for a long ass time, it was a bit out of date.
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Re: Year Two! -- Maryna, 20:29:11 October 03 2003, Friday
>A broken link? Your LiveJournal is still up there, so
>links will work. But as there's no new content, I've
>moved it out of my folder of journals to check
>regularly, and into my folder of journals to check
>occasionally. Jason Shiga's LiveJournal has been
>moved for similar reasons.
That's an obnoxious response. I'm offended at being compared to anyone named after a magic card (or vice versa). Or is that Shiva? Eric would know. But who cares! I still feel disenfranchised.
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Re: Year Two! -- Eric, 22:49:57 October 03 2003, Friday
>>A broken link? Your LiveJournal is still up there, so
>>links will work. But as there's no new content, I've
>>moved it out of my folder of journals to check
>>regularly, and into my folder of journals to check
>>occasionally. Jason Shiga's LiveJournal has been
>>moved for similar reasons.
>That's an obnoxious response. I'm offended at being
>compared to anyone named after a magic card (or vice
>versa). Or is that Shiva? Eric would know. But who
>cares! I still feel disenfranchised.
shiva is that indian god thing, not a magic card..
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