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Date Posted: 19:54:38 02/15/03 Sat
Author: shumitto
Subject: practice

Unusual E-commerce Test in South Africa"

TOM HAYNES, CO-HOST: We're in South Africa for our next report. For the most part, South Africa is an isolated country. It sits on the southernmost tip of the African continent and is more than 6,000 miles from most of Europe, North America, and Eastern Asia, where many of South Africa's economic links are located. So it's safe to say the country relies heavily on communication. And lately, that means doing business over the Internet. How is e-commerce faring in South Africa?

Allison Tom reports on one company who's putting it to an unusual test.

ALLISON TOM, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Chris Botha is being dubbed "Dotcoza." [ (a) He'd (b) He's ] volunteered to be South Africa's first cyber pioneer. He spends between eight and 16 hours a day online, surviving by using only his computer and the Internet. A webcam [ (a) tracked (b) tracks ] him 24 hours a day, allowing others worldwide to see him.

CHRIS BOTHA, DOTCOZA: [ (a) It'd (b) It's been ] great so far. It's been something completely new and different. [ (a) I am (b) I was ] learning a tremendous amount about e-commerce, about technology, and [ (a) it has (b) it was ] just been a really fun experience.

TOM: Botha is living in this empty house in Johannesburg for a total of three months. [ (a) He (b) He'd ] arrived with only a mattress, a sleeping bag and a few clothes. Now he [ (a) has (b) having ] an allowance of $4,000 a month to buy food, clothing and appliances from online retailers.

This experimental research project is the brainchild of Andersen Consulting. With the help of other technology companies, they hope to explore the value of electronic commerce in the region.

ERIC JACKSON, ANDERSEN CONSULTING: Right now, the Internet economy [ (a) is (b) is being ] at the tip of the iceberg and it [ (a) is progressing (b) progresses ] rapidly. The issues for countries like South Africa and companies in South Africa is, how do they fit into it and how do they find the right niche for themselves?

TOM: South Africa, with a population of 40 million people, has 1.6 million Internet users to date. Researchers [ (a) will be testing (b) will have been testing ] the efficiency and availability of different industries in South Africa, from retail to high tech, to financial services and travel.

--CNN Newsroom Grammer Activities

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