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Date Posted: 10:38:46 11/25/03 Tue
Deareset Karena
很開心看見你的message.我們會繼續支持你的,加油呀!!上次出戀之風景的function,在尖沙嘴那次呢...我給你封信你有看嗎?你會看fans信嗎?最近天氣時冷時熱,你要take care.
>>hello? anyone there? this is karena. hi, hi..i know i
>>haven't left messages in a long time. so, this is a
>>good time to let you know what I've been busy with.
>>well, i released my cd album happy about
>>the production and the response from my dear fans.
>>you've done a wonderful job...i'll continue to work
>>hard la. it's real touching being able to get such
>>good support from old and new fans/friends. soon, i'll
>>start a working on a new film, "koma" , directed lo
>>chi leung. i'm so nervous and excited at the same
>>time. it feels like working on a film for the first
>>time. unfamiliar of what's to come, but excited and
>>good feeling about it all. he, i confusing
>>you? i'm sorry. anyways, i'll be busy, i
>>might not be able to see you soon. i hope to keep in
>>touch with you though..please leave message on this
>>website or
>>we'll meet online then, ok? he, hee..meanwhile, you
>>take care and wishing you many happy smiles. be happy
>>like me...
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