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Subject: Hi Karena! (pls. pls. read my post)

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Date Posted: 16:30:19 04/21/04 Wed

Hi Karena!

I'm your fan from the Philippines. Your last movie the "Heroic Duo" was really awesome! Your action moves where so great, so realistic and not too Charlie's Angels like(due to the overuse of suspension cables). Very natural indeed and not too Holywood. I know you probably super busy right now with your new suspense thriller movie, "KOMA". I just saw the trailer on the NET the other day and I can't wait for it to be released here locally. Unfortunately, I' having a hard time finding DVD copies of your previous movies back here. I guess I'll just get them online. especially your new album "A Date with Karena Lam". Just want to ask though if you'll also be making an English version oy this new Album of yours. But if not, then I'll still buy it, coz I'll still get to see you and your cute-heart melting, smile =).

By the way, will you be visting our country anytime soon? even for just a vacation or something. It's really beautiful back here especially our Beaches and Resorts. Your based in HonKong right? coz it's only an hours flight from here to there. Hope you do come and visit us sometime soon. Also pls do visit us at "http://karenalam.cafe24.com/eng/eindex.php".

Best of luck always to your career and we'll always be here to support you. Just call on us and we'll come running to your side. I'll still have to fly though, so I'll probably be a little late. =)

Always take good care of yourself and keep on smiling =)


Headman =)

PS. Can you email me a latest autographed picture of you? here's my email, forrestmike@hotmail.com or bonalbarillo@hotmail.com, it would really mean so much to me. Thanks again. =)

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