Felicidades a las gimnastas y entrenadores que participaron en las competencias por Niveles de la Federación Puertorriqueña de Gimnasia en Mayo 2005. Nuestro gimnasio contó con el mayor número de gimnastas de toda la competencia y los resultados demuestran la calidad del trabajo de nuestro club.
A nivel de máximo acumulador (All Around) obtuvimos los siguientes resultados:
Nivel 3 (8 subdivisiones por edad)
4 Campeonas, 3 Sub-campeonas, 3 Terceros lugares, 4 Cuartos lugares y 5 Quintos lugares
Nivel 4 (3 subdivisiones por edad)
2 Campeonas, 2 Sub-campeonas, 2 Cuartos lugares, 1 Quinto lugar
Nivel 5 (3 subdivisiones por edad)
1 Sub-campeona, 1 Tercer lugar, 2 Cuartos lugares, y 1 Quinto lugar
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Las nenas de Yazaira en su clase -- Yazaira, 21:22:19 05/01/05 Sun (68-233-56-196.miamfl.adelphia.net/
Cosas que pasan durante las clases de Yazaira
Sharmaine dando vueltas en las anillas, Gabriella preparandose
para hacer su rodada en la viga, y Liana "showing-off" su straddle

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Felicidades a nuestro gimnastas -- Webmaster, 21:12:54 05/01/05 Sun (68-233-56-196.miamfl.adelphia.net/
Reconocimiento del Senado de Puerto Rico a nuestros atletas
que participaron en competencias internacionales en Las Vegas, Nevadas.
Parte de nuestro equipo Femenino

Parte de nuestro equipo Masculino

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informacion -- glorimar, 09:04:47 04/18/05 Mon (cache-mtc-ad03.proxy.aol.com/
Hola, quisiera saber desde que edad se comienza en el club de ustedes.
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Hola !! -- Shayra, 03:14:27 04/05/05 Tue (
Holaaaaaaaaaaa es Shayra espero q todos por aya esten muy bien y que nunca se olviden de mi . :-)
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gymnastics -- Roxanne Rivera, 19:23:33 03/16/05 Wed (c-67-176-157-160.client.comcast.net/
Hello, my name is Roxanne Rivera. I am a Chicago gymnasts. I am in level 8, and i am 12 years old. I am coming to Puerto RIco and going to your gym for a few days. I would like to know what gyms that you know in Ponce, Puerto Rico. Because i am going there for a fews days. The reason that i am going to a gym in Puerto RIco is because I have a State meet and regonals coming up a week after i come back, so i need to practice extra hard!So i will look foward to seeing all of you guys and please if possibe recommend gyms in Ponce. Thank you very much.
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Contorcion -- Melissa, 19:02:38 02/03/05 Thu (208-234-51-173.isla.net/
Hola! tengo 15 anios y me interesa mucho la contorcion debido a que soy flexible, por lo menos puedo echarme hacia atras y tocarme la frente con los pies y hacer un oversplit. me preguntaba si hay algun lugar en P.R. que ensenen esto. Oh y tambien me disloco los hombros y mucha gente piensa que soy rara pero me encantaria conocer a alguna otra persona que le interese la contorcion o que la practique igual que yo.
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hola -- anonima, 09:28:05 07/28/04 Wed (ayustar-234-dialup-43/
hola maestras ,espero que lo que queda de las vacasiones la esten pasando bien ,espero que esten disfrutando y gozando .
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Tingui Campeon All Around en la NCAA 2004 -- Fan, 21:57:00 04/17/04 Sat (ppp-s73-n194-as5400-1.dialup.ufl.edu/
POSTED: April 3,

It came down to the last event, but Penn State (pictured) collected a NCAA-record 11 National Title at the 2004 NCAA Men's Gymnastics Championships tonight in Champaign, Ill.
"It feels great," Penn State head coach Randy Jepson said. "We worked for this all year and we were finally able to put our best team out on the floor and show what we could do."
Oklahoma, the two-time, defending champions coming into tonight's competition, finished second, moving up four spots from their sixth-place prelim ranking, missing just four routines out of 36--a big jump from their dismal 66-percent effort in prelims.
Holding onto a slim lead going into the last event, Oklahoma saw Penn State vault ahead in the meet's final minutes.
"They did everything they could, and I couldn't be any more proud," OU head coach Mark Williams of his squad. "It was so close. It was really, really exciting and I was just pleased to be a part of it. You just can't ask for more from your athletes than their best."
No.1-ranked Illinois, sixth after four events, pulled up to third with super efforts on floor and pommel horse. "This is a school-record score we set," Illinois coach Yoshi Hayasaki said. "I'm proud of these guys. Everyone wants to win a National Championship and tonight, Penn State got it."
Ohio State was fourth followed by Michigan, which had entered NCAAs as the No. 7 seed.
Top prelim scorer Cal struggled tonight, settling for sixth overall. "It's disappointing," Cal coach Barry Weiner said. "A lot of guys did nice routines. A lot of guys did good work. But we started off on pommel horse and we counted two misses, and at the end of the line-up. You just can't count misses."
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PLATA PARA TINGUI -- YAZAIRA, 14:28:18 08/05/03 Tue (NoHost/
SANTO DOMINGO (EFE) - El puertorriqueño Luis Vargas se llevó hoy la plata en el potro con arcos y el estadounidense Clay Strother y el brasileño Mosiah Rodrigues empataron y compartirán el bronce.
El puertorriqueño Luis Vargas cuando participó en la modalidad de anillos.
Juan Alicea/El Nuevo Día
En esa rama, el gimnasta cubano Eric López, que el pasado domingo revalidó por cuarta vez su título panamericano en el concurso individual, se convertió en el primer bicampeón de los Juegos de Santo Domingo al lograr el oro en el potro con arcos.
La cosecha de medallas del gimnasta cubano, el más laureado en este deporte en la historia de los Juegos, es inagotable. López ostenta la supremacía panamericana desde los Juegos de La Habana'91, pasando por Mar del Plata'95, Winnipeg'99 y ahora Santo Domingo'03.
En las cuatro ediciones se ha adjudicado el título individual. Pero su sed de triunfos no acaba ahí. Con los dos oros de Santo Domingo, López acumula un total de 18 medallas ganadas en estos Juegos continentales, donde todavía no ha terminado su actuación. Es el único que está en activo de los 10 primeros en la clasificación masculina.
En Winnipeg hace cuatro años se proclamó indiscutible rey de los Juegos con cinco oros y una plata. Fue campeón por equipos y el mejor en el concurso completo individual, potro con arcos, anillas y paralelas.
Por su parte Canadá se embolsó su primer oro de los Juegos por medio de Brandon O'Neill, campeón en suelo, mientras que la plata la compartirán el brasileño Michael Conceicao y el mencionado estadounidense Clayton Strother
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saludo -- Camila Ernesto Liana Deborah, 17:48:05 07/10/03 Thu (NoHost/
Hola te deseamos surte en todas tus competencias fuera de Puerto Rico y las de Puerto Rico tambien.
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Edad -- Marilyn Paz, 12:43:08 05/15/03 Thu (airlink-12-8-184-54.isla.net/
quisiera saber si ustedes hacen una exepción para una niñà de 2años o me dejen saber si tienen un programa para esta edad para irlos preparando
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MGA tiene un programa que se llama Mi mama y yo para ninos pequenos. Favor llamar al 787-782-8417 -- Yazaira Cabrera, 11:47:02 06/28/03 Sat (ppp-s173-n182-as5400-1.dialup.ufl.edu/
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La Federacion Puertorriquena de Gimnasia ya tiene su pagina interactiva. -- Yazaira, 14:27:30 04/13/03 Sun (ppp-s173-n183-as5400-1.dialup.ufl.edu/
La direccion es:
Es una pagina nueva. Todavia esta en proceso de construccion pero se ve que va bien.
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Hola -- Mariana (la dormida), 07:38:57 03/11/03 Tue (66-50-11-89.prtc.net/
Yazaira que linda las fotos pero no me gusta la que estan las chicas mas bellas en su momento de feas!!!!!! jajajaja
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Mariana -- Yazaira, 18:41:21 03/18/03 Tue (ppp-s171-n202-as5400-2.dialup.ufl.edu/
Espero que te gusten las fotos nuevas que puse. En la primera foto se ven bien sexy todas, incluyendo a Danny-ela :)
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Traveling Vargas on Penn State -- Go Lions, 01:33:54 02/24/03 Mon (ppp-s73-n36-as7.dialup.ufl.edu/
Talented PSU freshman Vargas brings international experience

By Patrick Tholey, Collegian Staff Writer
On Thanksgiving Day, Penn State freshman gymnast Luis Vargas was traveling on a plane, but not one bound for his home of Rio Piedros, Puerto Rico. Instead Vargas and Penn State men's gymnastics coach Randy Jepson took a flight to El Salvador, where Vargas competed in the Central American Games.
Although Vargas was absent from his Puerto Rico Federation team while training at Penn State for the upcoming gymnastics season, it did not have an effect on his routines or the results of the artistic gymnastics competition at the Central American Games.
Vargas helped lead Puerto Rico to the team gold medal while capturing four medals of his own, the most prestigious being a silver medal in the individual all-around.
"I was thrilled when the meet started," Jepson said. "[Vargas] raised his hand and he just banged out his routines and did what he had to do." Vargas, however, is no stranger to international competition. He began participating in gymnastics at age six when he started training on Saturdays for his Puerto Rico club team. Training on weekends quickly turned into practicing all week long. As Vargas grew older, he moved on to the Puerto Rico Federation team and started to compete internationally for his country. Vargas' abilities have carried him to five international competitions thus far in his gymnastics career, including the 1999 World Championships in China.
"I did pretty good, but that was my first World Championships," Vargas said. "I was competing against Olympic athletes so I was pretty nervous."
But Vargas' nervousness subsided during the 2001 Pan American Games, where he finished third overall, first in the pommel horse and third in the high bar. Although Vargas' international competitions are on hold until the 2003 Pan American Games and 2003 World Championships in August, Jepson has been working on training Vargas for those competitions and hopefully the 2004 Olympics in Athens, Greece.
"That's the plan to prepare him for the Olympic Games," Jepson said. "And I know that his Federation has high hopes that he'll have a spot in the games and has every intention to get him to that point."
While Jepson and Vargas have great aspirations for the future, Vargas has remained focused and happy to be competing for the Nittany Lions at the collegiate level.
"It was my first and only option to come to Penn State," Vargas said. "Everything was so good and they treated me so good and it felt like home." Vargas' transition from his home in Puerto Rico to Penn State went just as smooth as his transition to collegiate gymnastics. In his first meet, he captured the all-around title with a score 51.6 at the West Point Open while leading the Lions to the team victory.
"It's nice knowing that you've got a guy who is a good anchor on some events," Jepson said. "I know that when the meets are tight and tough, he is an excellent competitor and he showed it this past weekend." And his teammates feel the same way.
"He is one of my best friends on the team and a really good gymnast," senior captain Jose Palacios said. "You're going to hear from him in a few years." After coming off a great performance at the Central American Games and an all-around title in his first meet, Vargas' talent is starting to become recognized, but his overall goals and modesty have not changed.
"My goal for my team is to win the NCAA championships," Vargas said.
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