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Subject: Myself

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Date Posted: 15:39:16 08/09/03 Sat

Referred By: Just Surfed In

I was not going to waste my time responding to ANY of these emails. However, as a National queen to Freeman production I am going to set the story straight. A few of you are trying to say that we do not deserve to win the national title. Apparently, you most be blind because the 3 National queens that won are very deserving of the title. I Tanya Crespo have competed in many State and National pageants and I am glad to say I have won the majority of them. I have been competing in pageants for many years and I have all the qualities that a queen possesses.

It’s funny when Illinois wins the National titles for the first time since Jennifer and Valerie have been the Illinois state director’s people like you want to say something negative.

Regarding the judges I was on stage with each and everyone of them and they are very happy with all 3 winners. They also mentioned how incredible we were in all areas of competition.

Future contestants remember in every pageant there are always sore losers. It is always those contestants, family and friends that try to give a negative image to a wonderful, fair, and outstanding pageant like the Ms. American United States pageant. I am the first Ms. American United States winner from Illinois and I am very glad to have this wonderful privilege and opportunity.

All of you are hilarious because you are trying to degrade the Illinois delegates because we are intelligent, beautiful and outgoing ladies. I am very happy the judges saw what we are contemporary, intelligent, and, confident women that have the power to succeed through diligence and self-empowerment. We are a great example of today’s women and Thank God because people with negative attitudes need all the help they can receive from 3 positive queens.

I had a blast with many contestants this year and I heard from a lot of them. They look forward to returning to the pageant next year. I know we all created great memories that will last a lifetime.

Thank you,
Tanya Crespo
Ms. American United States 2003

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Re: MyselfMs. American United States Saga08:49:32 08/28/03 Thu
  • Re: Myself -- sounds like a drama queen to some of us, 06:40:38 09/06/03 Sat
  • Re: Myself -- sounds like a drama queen to some of us, 06:42:29 09/06/03 Sat

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