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Date Posted: 08:44:39 02/23/03 Sun
Author: 25/10/00
Subject: ANZ and Telstra

meataxe (ID#: 71941) news: AUSTRANZ in big cost save deal with TLS 25/10/00 12:21:51 PM 2382261
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HOMEX - Melbourne

ANZ and Telstra today announced they had entered an agreement for
Telstra to be ANZ's preferred supplier of telecommunications
technologies and services as well as potential future managed
services in Australia over the next three years.

Under the agreement, ANZ and Telstra will work together to deliver
substantially reduced overall telecommunications costs for ANZ and
contribute to the development of ANZ's strategy for future
telecommunications requirements.

ANZ Head of Technology, e-Commerce and Payments, Mr David Boyles said
Telstra had already contributed to the web-enablement of ANZ's branch
network and expects the Telstra agreement to deliver immediate cost

"Under the agreement, Telstra is providing the core
telecommunications infrastructure for ANZ's banking platform of the
future which will use web-based technology. Telstra's solution was
highly competitive and provides a technology solution which meets our

"We have successfully rolled out our new IP, high bandwidth network
to over 800 locations around Australia in the last 4 months. Telstra
was a key partner in this highly successful initiative," Mr Boyles

Telstra Retail, Chief of Business Sales, Mr Mike Foster said he was
pleased that ANZ had chosen Telstra for such a significant role.

"Telstra is delighted with the scope of its role, having been chosen
not only to be ANZ's preferred supplier for telecommunications and
technology services, but also to assist ANZ in developing its
strategy for e-Commerce and future telecommunications needs," he

"We are confident that Telstra's unrivalled capacity to deliver
suitable, cost effective and innovative telecommunications and
technology solutions will meet ANZ's communication needs and
contribute to its ongoing provision of leading edge financial
services," Mr Foster said.

For media enquiries, please contact:
Michelle Gibbings Deidre McAlinden
Tel: 03-9273 6190 or 0409-655 551 RETAIL
Tel: 02 9298 4843 or 0408 423 516

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