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Date Posted: 09:35:07 10/24/03 Fri
Author: alice
Subject: Re: Geographic Records night
In reply to: Andy Brown 's message, "Geographic Records night" on 01:27:35 10/24/03 Fri

when is it?
>Quite exciting - i hope Jonny doesn't mind me plugging
>this show!!
>Geographic Records + Misplaced Music night
>MAHER SHALAL HASH BAZ (Geographic, Org)
>EMPRESS (Misplaced Music, Pehr, Geographic, 555)
>HOOD (visuals)
>Brudenell Social Club, Queens Rd, Hyde Park, Leeds LS6
>Door: 8.30pm | Fee: £6 / £5 unwaged
>MAHER SHALAL HASH BAZ are an amazing
>multi-instrumental psyche-folk-pop
>from Japan. They've done a couple of records on The
>Pastels' Geographic
>label, plus tons more besides on Japanese labels like
>Org. Their music is
>fantastically exotic, delicate and engrossing, simple
>pop songs cut from
>an elaborate selection of sounds and styles - it's a
>guarantee that you
>won't have seen anything like this before.
>EMPRESS rarely play out these days, especially in
>Leeds. But they're back
>with a new 7" on Misplaced Music and a new album on
>Pehr, after previous
>releases on 555 and Geographic. Their music is
>beautifully minimal and
>fragile, songs that demand your whole attention as
>even a pin dropping
>would disturb their fantastically brittle tapestry.
>DEERPARK are local. It's been a decent break now since
>we played last, so
>hopefully people might now be thinking 'not THEM
>again'. We recorded some
>tracks with Mark Simms over the summer so hopefully a
>nicely packaged CD
>should be availble at the show. We're an 8-piece who
>play acoustic-based
>folk, with lots of exciting instruments like violin,
>double bass, flute,
>banjo, harmonium, trumpet and bazookee(sp) plus the
>usual. Features
>people who used to play in bands like Big Eyes and
>DJ sets by little known Scottish band THE PASTELS, who
>run Geographic
>Records, and Leeds record label MISPLACED MUSIC. HOOD
>will make pictures
>on the wall.

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