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Date Posted: 20:43:51 11/11/03 Tue
Author: gojonnygogogogo
Subject: strangeways/gojonnygogogogogogogogo gigs

Monday 17th November @ The Royal Park 8pm sharp £4


Schwervon! are Nan Turner and Major Matt Mason USA. An unlikely garage rock
duo, with Matt on guitar and Nan on drums, they've been taking New York by
storm with a unique flavour of anti-folk gone rock 'n' roll.
Sounding kind of like a stripped down reincarnation of the B-52s they're
rowdy but sensitive, raucous but calm-and were ace! at gojonnygogogogo 3!


Thomas Truax is a New York City based singer/songwriter and multi-media

artist who performs with mechanical sound sculptures and instruments which
he builds himself out of found objects and spare parts ,as well as with more
standard gear like guitars and a toy piano.
a mad scientist of experimental music with a history as a stop-motion
animator, he has carefully crafted songs which range from dark, romantic
lullabies to lively rockin melodramas.


ONCE described as 'angular post-punk fuzz with sweet vocals and dark, rumbling guitars'

Saturday 6th December @ The Bassment 8-2am (early doors) £4 all night
bands 8.30 ish
Live music from Swearing at Motorists and Scout Niblett and The Static Waves

Swearing at Motorists

Play energetic pop songs that forge a common ground between Elvis Costello, the Buffalo Springfield, the Minutemen, Nick Drake and the Cars.

Scout Niblett

Innocence, sadness, love and confusion all breathed through a voice of passionate beauty, accompanying raw and untreated drums.

+ The Static Waves

Plus jonny, hans and alice will be playing the usual pick n mix of the bellrays, the smiths, gang of four, zombina and the skeletons, the buff medways, the real losers, Delta 5, moldy peaches, chicks on speed, le tigre, the waitresses, Interpol, ramones, the kills, the futureheads, erase eratta, and maybe even umm bilge pump. We shall see. Requests always welcome. Email gojonnygogogogo@ntlworld.com
Friday 9th January 2004

Herman Dune + The Broken Family + Dearpark
@ The Brudenell Social Club 8pm till late £5
Monday 26th January 2004
Herman Dune plus Guests
@ The Cardigan Arms (tbc)
Wednesday 18th February 2004

The Loves plus Guests

@ Th Royal Park

thank you!

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