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Date Posted: 23:19:25 04/21/04 Wed
Author: kdb131v
Subject: Brum options

Hi Jonny & co.,

Long time no hear, speak, write etc.! Whisper it, but I'm in serious danger of being able to get to the Strangeways in May, y'know. Best get the Another Sunny Day and Freed Unit records dusted off once again! I relocated from Scarborough to Birmingham just before Christmas and it's taken me this long to get straight enough to entertain sorties up the M1 - nothing in the way now, mind....

....And a question to everyone out there - are there any Strangeways-type nights in or around Birmingham that anyone can recommend, please? I believe that Linus were unable to find a suitable venue / club night in Brum to stop off here on their current tour, which doesn't augur too well for my chances, but if anyone knows different.... no date clashes with Strangeways, preferably!



PS By the way, have I heard correctly that Strange Fruit in London has gone tits up, and is there an adequate replacement for that in place anywhere? Ah, questions, questions....

PPS Magnetic Fields in London June 10th - 12th. Sweet.

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