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Date Posted: 20:12:22 07/15/03 Tue
Author: Linda_Delurked
Subject: So, if we do go for this season 9, do you think we're ready for ships?
I think this year all the writers proved that they're all growed up and able to handle the characters well. Do you think we're ready for some ships next season if we write one?
For myself, I'd love to explore the Buffy/Spike/Faith triangle we had this year. My own idea would be to have Buffy and Spike to rekindle their relationship, and for Faith to fall for Spike. She wouldn't persue him or try to break them up, I think she's been through too much to do that, but it would be interesting to play the newly matured Faith having to cope with a broken heart, and being constantly tempted by jealousy.
I'm willing to write Willow/Kennedy scenes as well as I've kind of warmed to Kennedy after writing her in my episodes this year, but I know Kennedy isn't popular so I'm not sure if people would want that.
I'd like to see Kennedy and Anya becoming friends. I'd also like to see Dawn disliking Kennedy - though doing her best to be friendly as Willow means so much to her. I'd like to see Kennedy and Dawn argue more like they did this year! I'd love to see Xander and Dawn becoming even closer, as I think they have a real bond. And how about finding a nice fella for Andrew?
Those are just my crazy ideas. Anybody else have their own plots ship-wise?
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I want Xander and Anya back together!!! -- Faithsguy, 21:05:47 07/15/03 Tue
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How about an anti-ship in a way? The breaking up of Kennedy and Willow? And I'm all for B/S/F! -- imisstara, 21:38:02 07/15/03 Tue
No Buffy couple has ever made it past the three year mark. Angel/Buffy (1-3), Xander/Anya (4-6), Willow/Tara (4-6), they were all off and on but they never made it past the three year mark. Well, season 9 is the third year for Willow and Kennedy, so should they make it all the way? Personally, even if they do stay together I'd like to see some MAJOR multi-ep obstacles thrown their way, like Willow and Tara in Season 6 but without the dying of course :) It would also be interesting how Kennedy is able to find her place in the group without being attached to Willow.
I also love the idea of a renewal of the Faith/Spike/Buffy triangle. I liked the subtle way we played them this year, especially in eps 18 (sniff we'll miss you, Mark!) and 19, and it seems like fans responded to it well. I liked Linda's ideas for Faith and think it will be an interesting arc.
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F/S/B for everyone -- That one Guy, 06:24:22 07/16/03 Wed
I wouldn't mind breaking up or killing Kennedy... I mean if she doesn't have willow there no point of her on the show I'd be willing to kill her off to... in an episode
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Jeez, you're just itching to kill someone, aren't you? -- Linda_Delurked, 20:01:03 07/16/03 Wed
You volunteered before too. You've even volunteered to kill Kennedy before!
Note to self: Never be alone and unarmed with That One Guy!
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Haha -- That one Guy, 23:57:46 07/16/03 Wed
I've been listen to MSI to much and you know, they promote violence. Yeah I do want to kill off kennedy, cause she irrates me. Other character I wouldn't mind killing off are : Wood, Andrew.
Come on it might be fun.
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Andrew/Dawn -- Sgt. Rock, 23:32:53 07/16/03 Wed
Gotta love those two kids together
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You're baaaaack! *hugs* -- Linda_Delurked, 20:19:03 07/17/03 Thu
Missed you!
A Drew ship... uh huh... and people thought Callie was weird!
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Been around, just not as much :) *hugs* -- Sgt. Rock, 05:07:46 07/19/03 Sat
Been reading (and loving) all the eps, just with the story wrapped up I've not felt I had much to contribute, so have been working on other stuff (including a python-esque comedy called Sombrero Vampires, the first few scenes are at www.estador.co.uk if anyone's interested)
But now we're (hopefully) heading for a season 9 look for me to be adding my infuriating and annoying input again! :P
Congrats on getting the finale, you both really deserved it, there's been some fantastic writing from both of you guys. Just make it good!
Drew & Callie forever!!!
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I actually thought that Riding The Wave was better than my stuff -- Linda_Delurked, 18:01:25 07/19/03 Sat
So I'd thought you'd have a crack at the finale before I would. I'm glad you're on board for next season and I can't wait to see what you write!
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Re: -- Sgt. Rock, 18:25:59 07/19/03 Sat
Thanks, that means a lot! But you really do deserve the finale, you're great!
Are you doing an episode for The Lost Episodes? What's it about? Me and That One Guy are doing a two parter delving into Ripper and Ethan and how they became friends/enemies and went down the paths they went down. Looking to be really cool.
Can't wait for the finale!
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I'm doing a season 7 lost episode -- Linda_Delurked, 18:58:32 07/19/03 Sat
Kash has very kindly let me work on the finale first, but I have an outline of my episode. It's set between Storyteller and Dirty Girls, and has The First taunting the gang, including Giles, Xander and Anya. The First talks to Giles in the guise of Ben, which is something I've wanted to do for ages.
I may actually change it slightly and have it set between Get it Done and Storyteller, but I'm still working on that.
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Can you e-mail me? -- Sgt. Rock, 20:17:58 07/19/03 Sat
I have an idea for your fic that I'd like to run by you, which would create some continuity between the season and could lead to a "wuhammah-ba?" moment for the readers :)
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You've got mail :) -- Linda_Delurked, 19:11:51 07/20/03 Sun
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