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Date Posted: 07:02:05 08/04/03 Mon
Author: Mark
Subject: Oh, I forgot to comment on one of my favorite scenes!
In reply to: Mark 's message, ""Moments" - A Brilliant finale! Congratulations, Linda and imisstara!" on 21:54:04 08/03/03 Sun

Hehe sorry but I always forget to say something after posting a message, and I really wanted to mention this scene. I thought the scene right after the big final battle, where Dawn, Giles, Willow and Buffy talk to the giant snake (sorry not going to even try spelling its name!) was wonderfully written. It was such a creative idea, and so much better than having a giant snake talk. I don't even want to know what that thing would sound like! It was effectively creepy, too - especially since at first we had no idea what was going on.

I don't know what made me think of this, but these two scenes together reminded me of Primeval and Restless, in a way. How do you follow up such a massive and awesome fight? But doing something totally different and even a little surreal, which is what you did here.

Okay, enough praising from me! Now I will go back to being a normal reader just like everyone else!

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[> That was such a kick ass ep! -- Spike's Bird, 16:08:00 08/05/03 Tue

See, I told u it wud b gr8, huh, right as usual! lol The scene between willow & tara actually had me in tears, it was amazingly well written as was the whole ep! U guys kick ass! :-)

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