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Date Posted: 00:03:20 08/29/03 Fri
Author: JSlayerUK
Subject: Right then.
In reply to: Kashmanik 's message, "OK, how does this sound? (please read folks!) :-)" on 00:48:23 08/27/03 Wed

Okay, here's my beef. Take it or leave it. I've danced about for some time...

Truth of the matter is, the cast have become stagnant. Regardless of whether we trim the number down, I don't see that being a sufficent solution to the problem. Understandably, after 8 years, we've come to the point where we have to say "Where do we go from here?". For real. Reducing the cast bloat will just lead to fewer characters with nowhere to go.

My personal opinion is not that we need to reduce the cast, but shake them up. Location, direction, association and all those other tions. I mean, take season 5 of AtS for a prime example. That's where we have characters put in a new surrounding with new goals and new responsibilties. That's the sort of thing we need to do. There's only so much the gang can do hanging about in Buffy's living room. Now, although at this very moment I cannot think of a feasible way in which we could shake up the gang (barring the one Kash knows about) I see that being the way forward.

Now I am seriously trying to think up *something*, but I think in order to continue we should list the problems that need fixing. Anybody get where I'm coming from?

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[> [> I'll post at some point my original idea for S9 J. -- Kashmanik, 00:05:09 08/29/03 Fri

I had several thoughts during mid-season Eight about Season Nine, and a mjor shake-up of things. I'll post it soon and get feedback. :-)

(It's very different to whats on the board now!)

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[> [> [> Okay, here it is..... -- Kashmanik, 00:19:29 08/29/03 Fri

Originally, this (in my head) would have carried on from an Ep 8.22 cliffhanger but Linda and imisstara chose another (perfectly valid and very entertaining) direction.

Sunnydale has, by the end of S8, been completely blown open. The Hellmouth is destroyed, a lot of humans are dead from the quake, and demons are roaming the streets. Chaos. I imagined Dawn, using her Key powers and her magic, to create a massive Barrier around the ruins of the town. Well, not so much create as simply reform herself (as the Key) into a Barrier to keep the demons inside. But, due to all the demonic nastiness, she literally unleashes a hell on earth. With a few Scoobs trapped inside (at the time this, in my head, was Spike, Andrew and Giles. Since they were trapped in that building in 8.20.) I think those three could still work well.

Meanwhile, the others would have escaped, and collapsed wearily onto a hillside. Just as the Initiative shows up (I can hear the groaning already, but hush! Riley and Sam the Alcoholic Robot won't return!) They've come since a massive earthquake right over the Hellmouth isn't exactly a coincidence. And they find it very interesting that a noted "anarchist group" are the only people to escape the town.

Fast forward three months. Buffy, Faith and Willow are being held prisoner, in isolation, in a temporary Initiative base outside the Barrier. They're being interrogated as they're still deemed to be a threat, whilst Anya, Xander and Kennedy have been released. (Being only human.) Buffy, Faith and Willow haven't seen each other for 3 months, nor do they know what the hell is going on.

Inside the Barrier, Giles, Andrew and Spike have formed a group of survivors from the quake, only about 20 or so people. Almost everyone else was either killed in the disaster, or by the various demons unleashed by Dawn's barrier spell. We could have several old characters reappear as part of this rag-tag bunch of survivors. Sheila Rosenberg, Scott Hope, Nancy from "Beneath You", Percy from S3... the survivors are basically living a crappy existence, foraging for food and shelter and avoiding the demons (which can be real nasty hell-beasties, not just your run of the mill demon.) Giles is injured, and so Spike is thrust into a leadership role *dingdingding character development*.

On the outside world, the three imprisoned Scoobies could be busted out (anyone see Graham coming ot the rescue here?) But of course, they've nowhere to go. They don't know where Anya, Xander and Kennedy are, nor do they know whats happened to Dawn. As the series progressed to the mid-part, the gang would reform, but we'd essentially have two shows for the first half of the season. The gang inside the Barrier, and the gang outside.) Mid-season Willow could discover a way to lower the Barrier and get the survivors out (who they've had no contact with, but know are in there). But they also know the Barrier is Dawn, so destroying it destroys any chance of getting her back. Putting Buffy in a tough decision making place.

I really like this idea. The fractured gang, finding new roles for themselves, lots of opportunity for angst. And we could set it up easily in 9.01, with the ep starting with Buffy's interrogation by the Intiative and told in flashbacks. (If we go for this, I'm *so* writing that ep.)

There's more besides this, but thats the basic outline. Biiiiig shakeup.

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[> [> [> [> Just to clarify.... -- Kashmanik, 00:34:35 08/29/03 Fri

The Barrier is a big, crackly impenetrable green dome over what Sunnydale used to be. :-)

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[> [> Shaking things up -- Idea Guy, 00:12:34 08/29/03 Fri


Sunnydale is gone and the group have to move on to a new place for the first time in close to a decade, they realise that they have to move on - how long can they remain in one place together?

Buffy finally begins to see Dawn as a grown up which causes Dawn to realise she has to be one now that Buffy is no longer needing to protect her.

Buffy now has the time for a relationship after knowing the Hellmouth is gone - the problem is (fill in the blank) meets her in the new location and sparks fly, who does she choose?

Willow has graduated college, she has her career and future to consider, does she really have time for this?

Kennedy is feeling like a Riley (left out) especially when Willow gets a job as a teaching assistant in Dawns new HighSchool where her senior year cause some (boyfriend) shaped changes.

Anya has to make a stand with Xander when he begins seeing (fill in the new character blank)

Giles has been seriously injured for the first time since returning from England. With everyone moving on he begins to question where he let his own (personal) life go over the last decade.

Those kinds of struggles?

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