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Date Posted: 01:18:28 08/29/03 Fri
Author: That one Guy
Subject: Ok my oppion if anyone cares
In reply to: Kashmanik 's message, "OK, how does this sound? (please read folks!) :-)" on 00:48:23 08/27/03 Wed

Say we evaluate EACH character and vote weather they stay or get kicked... or are recurring

We do need to get things down... of who's here and when they are ... I'd suggest we get rid of kennedy...(I know I've been on this but listen) Everyone I talk to about the fic don't like the character... She hard to write and she takes away from plots and arcs.

Xander: I'd like to see him and anya finally end up together and be happy in the now non evil sunnydale... (4-5 episodes would be good). I mean have Anya get pregnaunt and him choice that over everything.

Andrew Takes Xanders place as the zeppo, we get new character to right. From a stand point Andrew can do alot exspeicaly if the scoobies like him.

Buffy: finally realizes things have to move on, so they go to Cleveland or another hell mouth. I know but come on where do you want them to go.

Dawn: Starts/Finishes school or whatever she wants I think dawn we can decide once we decide where and when.

Willow: Follows buffy because of her magic.

Spike: I like writing him and as from ratings we can think of a good storyline. Maybe give spike a chance to be human only to have him realize he'd rather be a vampire cause of the immortality thing and also cause he likes the strenght.

Giles: We should put Giles into a wheel chair for a couple episodes and have him go and set up Anya and Xander and give them the Magic box. (have him come to wherever like with 6 episodes left)

Faith: Make her recurring. I love faith and she's my favorite character but she isn't groupy. (7 episodes left)

2.) Places, Here are a few I think we could go. Cleveland, Las Vegas, New Orleans, or Pennyslvania.

3.) Plot lines we can sort out once we decide places and stuff. I don't know about you but I think we should go somewhere new and different. I think that would incredibly help for new material.

4.) Big Bad pick it depending on the new place.

5.) Guest stars and ship. we should decide when we see who's staying and how long.

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[> Ok, my picks, dibs and 'yeahs' -- BunnyPhobia, 13:32:12 08/29/03 Fri

Firstly...The idea that grates the most is Anya being pregnant. Not because she is pregnant, but I highly doubt that she would just LEAVE and that Xander would happily LET her leave. He wouldn't. He'd go with her, finally choosing Anya over Buffy...And as he's a core scoob, dammed if I'd let him leave the show.

For me, I think they should firstly decide to resume their relationship, on the quiet. They're older, more mature now, and are gonna be testing the waters. They're not going to be jumping in, getting married (cos, hello, old issues much?) and having babies that quickly. IMO, of course.

Buffy. Buffy needs something new...Something NON SHIPPY in my opinion. We need to push her character in a new direction. She's become a 'mother' and an uber-slayer, so what's left? That's the difficult question, but I think something along the lines of her powers changing or being at risk. She's the oldest slayer, EVER (as far as we know). This has got to have some effect, surely?

I do like the idea of the enjoining spell having repurcussions. We could, of course, take that in a dark direction later in the season, after firstly establishing it as a good thing.

Sunnydale? Ok, here's what I was thinking. The season opens AT Kennedy's estate. sunnydale is still being rebuilt, and it's a bit difficult to live there, so they've gone to Kennedy's/
Cue much weirdness (ghosties? We could have ghosties!!), and, say, after two eps, Willow calls the relationship off, Kennedy stays at home, whilst everyone else returns to Sunnydale. I also have an image of X and A sat on the floor of a kitchen, deciding to get back together, but that's just me :)
Then they head back to Sunnydale. I do think that Giles should be in a wheelchair, OR, something much more severe - he keeps suffering from memory loss, memory blanks. Just imagine, for a guy who's sole purpose in the group is his knowledge...imagine how frustrating that would be, how traumatic and how it would force Giles and the others to really consider what he actually means to them.

For Dawn...I do like Kash's orignal idea of turning her into a barrier, and I just wonder if we can't do something like that in the middle of the season (similar to the 'two crichtons and two ships' of Farscape, season three). There's inside the barrier, and outside the barrier. Of course, the reasons behind Dawn's transformation would have to be decided, but soemthing that big could also provide oppourtunity to kill someone off (dare I say Andrew?). That way, too, we don't HAVE to use all characters each episode, because you're focussing on only one of the two groups each ep.

Just an idea, mind.

As for big bads, well....keeping in mind the need to push Buffy in one direction she hasn't been and the effect of her powers and such like...We could have Big Bad Buffy? Or, simply Bitca Buffy...Just soemthing that lets us bring a little edge back to her character. Dawn's old enough to look after herself, B doesn't have to mom her anymore..she can move on, become herself for herself again..

As for Spike...ratings wise, he does need to stay. I'm just not quite sure where we can go with him...

And I think I'm the only one against S/B/F. I just can't understand why two Slayers feel the need to keep returning to Spike...shouldn't they find themselves first, they've been through a lot.

Of course, the other alternative for character growth is Dawn and her 'blossoming', finding herself. Ie, sexuality etc...
Makes the scoobies feel REALLY old :)

Ok, hat's my rambling for now...


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