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Date Posted: 15:51:04 09/01/03 Mon
Author: Sgt. Rock
Subject: A whole bunch of ideas

I know people have mentioned wanting to get rid of certain characters, so this deals with ways of getting rid of Dawn and Spike (whom I love as a character, but think has run his course on our seasons), as well as a couple of other random ideas I had.

First thing, what is a hellmouth? why is it there and who created it?
Hellmouths are gateways to hell that have seemingly always been there, more than likely the demons and PtB themselves created them when they left this dimension for their own thousands (if not millions) of years ago. A hellmouth isn't just a thing, it's a part of this universe that is needed to keep everything stable so destroying it would be a big cosmic no-no. By closing the Sunnydale one, dimensional tears could start appearing releasing demons unlike any we've seen before for the scoobs to deal with. There's no known way to fix these dimensional tears, but fortunatly having recently having achieved a lot of power Dawn knows what to do. She has to return to key form go inbetween all the dimenions and lock all the tears, but she can't do it on her own.

*There are a couple of spoilers for Angel S5 here, if you don't want to read them skip this next bit and just know she needs to take Spike with her*

GhostSpike believes himself to be being pulled to hell, but he's not completely in this dimension either. Dawn needs to take Spike with her to get inbetween the dimensions. As he didn't use the amulet in our timeline he still has it, and has never needed it.


If they can time it right they can get back through the last dimensional tear and return to this dimension. However they get back, they have to stay there to close the last rip or it'll just keep happening.
This would give Spike and Dawn a convenient exit from the show without killing them of and would mean they could return later in the season if we felt they were needed.

Another thought I had, and I think I've mentioned it on the board before is that Xander from the 'real' BtVS timeline comes through one of these dimensional tears and our scoobs explain how they did things differently here and why Sunnydale isn't a crater and Xander has his eye and Spike is still around...

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[> There's spoilers for Angel S5 here, but they're marked before you get to them -- Sgt. Rock, 15:51:47 09/01/03 Mon

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