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Subject: Bands getting stiffed with the pubs and clubs getting the money

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Date Posted: 13:10:44 05/28/03 Wed

Looking around at the deal that bands are getting from venues nowadays is making me sick to the back teeth.
With most bands containing about 4 members and the costs of backline and transport they are getting fuck all for their effort and often travelling the lenght of the country to do so.
A minimum of 500 euro should be paid to bands for ther nights performance.
This is not a lot at all for a pub or club to pay considering the amount of people there and the cost of a pint now.
It will not always cover your costs but it should be the least a band should be paid.
If enough bands got together and stated publicly that they support some kind of minimum wage campaign then the pubs who wont pay get boycotted and maybe even picketed.
Yes baby the revolution could be here if only you stand up for yourselves.
It will not ruin your career to stand and be counted.
A name and shame on miserly pubs so bands boycott them could only do some good.
If you are in a band and support this idea then put your comments below giving your e-mail address in the box when making your comment.
If enough people join up then we can force a change in favour of the bands.
Please dont worry about the poor publicans believe me they will still make a lot of money and wont have to cancel that third holiday.
Its up to You

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Subject Author Date
Re: Bands getting stiffed with the pubs and clubs getting the moneyfredo15:00:20 05/28/03 Wed
Re: Bands getting stiffed with the pubs and clubs getting the moneypastafari12:32:07 05/30/03 Fri
Re: Bands getting stiffed with the pubs and clubs getting the moneypaidi o toole12:42:12 06/09/03 Mon

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