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Subject: Club Website

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Date Posted: 14:36:44 03/25/03 Tue

What has happened to the clubs official website lately? It seems to be going from bad to worse. First they chuck off all those that want to comment on it and then almost stop updating it. According to the site the next match is Mosely, and there is no man of the match for the mose game and no recent reports at all. Also there has been no update or pics on the new ground since February and they told us they were going to keep us informed on progress.
Is anything happening out there does anybody know? Is the wbsite to be stopped entirely? Bad move IMHO.

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[> Subject: Re: Club Website

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Date Posted: 11:33:37 03/26/03 Wed

I was actually thinking the same...
Not only have they deprieved the fans of there say....
By the way Cheers "K" for setting this up...
but the 'official' site has really gone down the pan, and is quite obviously being neglected. In its current state its not worth existing at all.. and thats a very sad state of affairs.. In fact i would go as far as to say its probably now one of the worst sites in the league, and thats because its not being maintained.

What was that Keith said about "washing our linen in public"
Well if i was a fan from another club looking at the COV site i'd think preety poorly of the club at the moment!!

As for photos of the Butts, possibly the reason for no updates on this, is because there has been nothing visable happening at the Butts for several weeks now!? Im sure its nothing to worry about, but my brother went down there a few days ago and he said there had been no building for at least 3-4 weeks now.

See ALL of you down at Plymouth at the weekend.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Club Website

Nick Meredith
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Date Posted: 14:16:19 03/27/03 Thu

Thanks guys.

So that's what my (approximately) 1 evening per week's voluntary work on the website for the past few years is worth to you all?

Perhaps an email to me to ask why there had been no updates would have been a little more use than slagging off the website on a public forum like this - but no - that wouldn't have been negative enough.

It does tell me how much work I should even think of doing for next year however.

It also justifies absolutely, to me, the club's decision to take away the discussion board.

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[> Subject: Re: Club Website

thomas senior
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Date Posted: 20:57:20 03/26/03 Wed

no work seems to coincide with the letter from the receiver stating that Leander have exercise their option and purchased the ground.What is going on,the club should be making a statment or suspicions will be raised again.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Club Website

mark h
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Date Posted: 19:14:39 03/28/03 Fri

Its all about time frames, when the ground was owned by the club over the past period of time which has caused confusion, also third parties getting involved.(also the memory of the leander undertakers runs deep).But without them we may not of had a ground.

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[> Subject: Re: Club Website

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Date Posted: 14:07:56 03/27/03 Thu

I had the members letter to, is that why we believe leander have now sold the ground?
buit i thought that keith has said that "the club" ownder the ground?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Club Website

Nick M
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Date Posted: 14:24:15 03/27/03 Thu

Where does it differ?

A third party tries to buy the ground.

Keith persuades Leander to exercise their option to buy the ground fromt he receivers, in order to prevent the third party from getting it.

They do so - and sell it on to Keith / the club.

The receivers no longer have any interest in the ground from that point, and report the fact in their letter.

No conspiracy, and no discrepancy between ther tales as told by the club and the receivers.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Club Website

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Date Posted: 17:33:38 03/27/03 Thu

Nick dont bother to tell them. There the same people who are always deliberately putting on antagonising, and negative reports. Dont waste your time, they are not worth it. I know the club are very grateful for all your work and loyal support. Stick with them!

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[> Subject: Re: Club Website

thomas senior
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Date Posted: 19:48:05 03/27/03 Thu

if only the club had clarified the information about leander on the official site there would be no argument.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Club Website

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Date Posted: 22:30:06 03/27/03 Thu

Like Steve stated, thanks Nick for all your hard work with the club web site! much appreciated.

"Are we there yet dad" Kids I love um? couldnt eat a whole one thou! lets give Keith Ian and their team time and see what transpires! Rome wasnt built in a day neither will the new stadium be!

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[> Subject: Re: Club Website

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Date Posted: 10:07:43 03/28/03 Fri

I think people are putting messages on here and dont have anything to back up all these negative accusations.
The club or keith dont need to tell us anything at all.The club dont belong to us it belongs to the Keith and the rest of the board.What they decide to tell us is up to them but we have no right to know.
I think we should let the powers that be do thier job and we do ours.Incidently while it appears that nothing seems to be happening at the Butts,I know a lot of things are going on behind the scenes.The purchase of a lot of things have been completed,I also know that if you want to know whats happening then why not ask Keith,He is very approachable and will answer your questions.Nige dont be so negative all the time,go and ask what you want to know mate and stop all this crap about dodgy dealings and shady stuff.Its not doing anyone or the Club any good at all.
Sorry Nige I needed to say it.

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[> Subject: Re: Club Website

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Date Posted: 10:39:41 03/28/03 Fri

Oh my god Nick, >. so i guess you take the comments about the recent condition of the site personally.....!!?!?
Im sure no one including myself aimed them at you personally

You know i have complimented you on the site in the past,and as we all know you are not paid to do it. HOWEVER the current state of the site is not very good. You cannot deny it has been neglected for reasons unknown to us non mind readers. The fact is it has been neglected. Take for example the last match report of a couple sentences.. If there are reasons for this then fine, why not post on the site that there will be maintanace on the site and there will not be many updates. But once again the communication is lacking from the club, admin, yourself or whoever is now reposnsible for the upkeep of the site.

As for saying that just because one or 2 people have said the site has been lacking the last few weeks hardly gives reason to now say that it "jusitifies absolutely" the clubs decsion to take away the chat board. And its a bit rich really especialy as you have posted on a CHAT BOARD to which you are argeeing shouldnt be here....You, me the cleaner,whoever should still be allowed to have a say.

Maybe you could turn the comments around and see that you set such high standards before, that when things arent looked after,and updated the fans notice this.
Nick Please dont take this personally and im sure we can have a chat about it over a pasty and a pint on saturday at Plymouth if your there.

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[> Subject: Re: Club Website-for ron

nige 'h
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Date Posted: 10:47:43 03/28/03 Fri

Ron, we know eachother, so thats fine i will take your coments on the chin, however i have read through my posting and i sincerely cannot see anything in there about dodgy dealings or anything like that???
In fact i actually say im sure there is nothing to worry about......

please tell me ??

If you dont answer me on the site i will pin you against a wall at plymouth and let the elephant lose on you.. :-)

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[> Subject: Re: Club Website - Steady!!!!

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Date Posted: 19:01:22 03/28/03 Fri

Oh dear - you leave the PC alone for a couple of days and look what happens.
Having spoken to Mr Meredith, I can understand his displeasure at the comment 'going from bad to worse'. It implies that the website started off being bad! I don't think that's the case at all. I was tempted to pull this whole thread, but won't - for a few days at least.
Having reflected on the thread, I think one or two points in the kick-off message are valid if taken at face value. There has been very little updating done on the site recently, but as Nick points out (and I fully understand the problem having the same afflictions myself with another 'volunteer website') he has plenty of other things occupying his time at the moment. Perhaps if the club had an employee maintaining the site - rather than a dedicated supporter - some of the criticisms would apply?
As for update pictures on the ground - I find myself agreeing with 'Inkwizitor' somewhat. The club undertook to keep the fans informed on the ground development (and even bought a digital camera to help - fair play) but this seems to have fallen by the wayside somewhat. Not living in Cov (or even Warks) I'm unable to comment on whether there is 'visible' work being done, so maybe more pictures of the same bit of chewed up grass and ex terracing wouldn't be a sensible use of resources (I was told however a couple of weeks ago by a club employee that they were waiting for a dry weather 'window' of four or five days to enable the top of the pitch to be stripped off ready for Piggy Powell to work his magic. As I say, I don't know if this has been done, so maybe nothing would show on a photo?. However, we've certainly had a lot more than five dry days now. Anybody know if it's been done yet?).
Anyway, I don't intend to 'edit' this thread in any way until at least after the weekend, and then we'll see what happens...
Finally, all the best to the team and the travelling support. We can't make it tomorrow - I simply can't afford the time and cost for two of us for such a long round trip at the moment (I need to save the coppers for the two season ticket renewals for next season!).
Go for it Cov!
(By the way, should anyone feel like it, you can text score updates to me if you like and I'll try to post them if I'm close to the PC. Number is 07905 872058). Cheers

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[> [> Subject: Re: Club Website - Steady!!!!

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Date Posted: 18:37:03 04/01/03 Tue

OOps sorry. I didn't mean to cause offense with *that* comment, I just didnt put my brain in gear first. I really didnt mean to imply from bad to worse. Just that it had gone downhill recently due to a lack of updates. Now I know the reasons and that I caused offense very thoughtlessly I'd like to apologise to Nick and to the other board users. I really didn't mean it that way! Sorry!!!!!!! I'll think first next time.

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