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Subject: Re: Rest in Peace Rugby

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Date Posted: 18:33:20 04/21/03 Mon
In reply to: Musty 's message, "Re: Rest in Peace Rugby" on 13:37:12 04/21/03 Mon

Well said Kimbo and Musty, nothing but sour grapes, pathetic behaviour. I hope they never come back. I dont think they will anyway. Ive heard most of their best players are leaving. I suppose they will have another big spend on the wrong players again. Theyve had it and wont be back. Nuneaton will beat them next season,whatever they spend. They just cant get it right. Well done Mark ELLIS and his coaches, and to the club in addressing the problems to put us back on track.Pity Rugby cant do the same.Well done Cov.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Rest in Peace Rugby

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Date Posted: 19:38:42 04/24/03 Thu

This is way OTT. Why be so nasty? £12 for entrance is a lot for a div 1 game and no prog and the web site only said Cov where 'ordinary' and why wish the demise of a football team-are you glad Richmond and London Scottish are no more? The Lions have gone bust and been relegated before but so have Cov. I wish Coventry well in their new stadium and perhaps semi professional team-but it could easily turn pear-shape for them if the cash flow calculations are wrong! And Rugby people are happy that Nuneaton are doing well for the game in Warwickshire.
I know Rugby Lions were crap this season because a clique run the club -and signed outside players because of the demise of the under 21 and no second team. This was being aired on the Rugby Message board before they did a Bobbit despite a promise that this will not happen (like the Cov board).

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