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Subject: Good News (until they change their minds...)

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Date Posted: 18:53:24 02/24/04 Tue

I find the statement at *** rather strange to say the least...

By Duncan Bech, PA Sport (snipped from Sporting Life)

The Rugby Football Union have taken steps to ensure that the Zurich Premiership relegation debacle of 2002 is unlikely to be repeated in the future.

Rotherham were refused admittance into the top flight two seasons ago for failing to meet entry criteria, a decision which caused uproar and prompted claims the top-flight clubs were trying to ring-fence their competition.

The Titans' promotion last summer went smoothly enough, however, and the RFU have taken steps to ensure it will be more of the same this May when league hostilities are concluded.

"As it stands Worcester are the favourites to win National One and the most likely club to be promoted. We have already taken an interim audit, which they have passed," said RFU chief executive Francis Baron.

"The physical audit will take place at Sixways on March 31 and Worcester have met the entry criteria, including in terms of capacity - ***as have the next top four teams in National One.

"A team will be promoted as long as they meet the requirements."

The Premiership's system of promotion and relegation will remain in place for five more years beyond this season, as agreed by the Long Form Agreement.

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