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I can't belive that Elm is going... :( On to buisness, though. I think that Areea's right. I only vaugly know Quickpaw, but he'll be a great leader. (NT) | Shogga | 12:11:51 05/06/05 Fri |
alright Shogga! *high five.* | Areea Blackwave | 14:45:27 05/06/05 Fri |
I think that Quickpaw will be a good leader for this site. I vote for him. (NT) | Glacia Icedeath | 06:46:32 05/07/05 Sat |
*I can't beleive Elm is going....* -- Quickpaw Widepad, 00:20:14 05/08/05 Sun
- I don't know if my vote counts as much, as I will soon be leaving. However, if most of you think that Quickpaw will make a good leader, than my vote will go for him as well. (NT) -- Gideon, 12:50:37 05/08/05 Sun
- *cries*elmflower is leaving, nooooooooooo, we'll miss you terribly elm, you'll always have my complet support, in my eyes there will never be another true leader of EWa, only people trying to help along the greatness which you have too voting, hmm Idk quickpaw,so my vote is out, though if you all belive in him, then I'll give him my full support. (NT) -- sankin, 05:56:49 05/09/05 Mon
Ok mateys, for all the "does my vote count questions" lol, of course. ^_^ Every vote, no matter if you have been somewhat not active or even about to leave, your vote still counts. I know we'll all miss elmflower, I miss her as well but she still is on aim and yahoo sometimes, and quick will do good in the leader's position. Now to get down to one more thing, how many votes should it take to consider he's in? oh inside as well. | Areea Blackwave | 09:53:17 05/12/05 Thu |
Yes, I am planning on resigning, I have a job now and it takes up all my time, I rarely get a day off. I just simply can't keep up anymore. But, I will still visit, and might still have a secondary leader position or something, and it may take a little bit for Quickpaw to get used to everything here, so it's not like I'm just leaving and never coming back, I'll visit all the time. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!! (NT) | Elmflower Twinblades | 14:22:40 05/12/05 Thu |
*Thanks Raro. you vote is counted in. (NT) | Areea Blackwave | 10:46:00 05/16/05 Mon |
You know, if any of you ahve any other idead for the leader, we are still free for opinions. (NT) | Elmflower Twinblades | 09:49:52 05/18/05 Wed |
What ya mean Lavender and okies Elm. ^_^ Gotcha. (NT) | Areea Blackwave | 06:25:39 05/19/05 Thu |
Thanks guys. ^_^ I guess he'll be counted as leader when Elmflower posts and says it or what? Oh and its okies Raro..*notices her embarassment.* (NT) | Areea Blackwave | 12:16:24 05/23/05 Mon |
*takes a deep breath, apparantly very nervous* Ok, lets make it final. Quickpaw Widepad of Whisperwood Abbey had been nominated for the leadership position of Emeraldwall Abbey. All in favor raise your right hand and say "Aye" any opposed state "Nay". *looks around at the votes* (NT) | Elmflower Twinblades | 15:22:09 05/23/05 Mon |
I of course vote yes but it is really up to Elmflower. *Paw is raised.* So...I guess it'll be up to Elmflower's final desicion. (NT) | Areea Blackwave | 10:45:19 05/26/05 Thu |
Lav, will you please email me to explain why you vote nay? I would just like to know why, I worry about this site and I want to make sure it goes into good hands. (NT) | Elmflower Twinblades | 10:29:33 06/11/05 Sat |
I've gone to Quickpaw's site. I'd vote a definite yes. (NT) | Trefoil | 08:55:37 06/16/05 Thu |
Bye Elmflower, I hardly knew ye.(Not that it matters, I AM just a crazy person) Sorry, I will just say good-bye. (NT) | Trefoil | 09:01:47 06/16/05 Thu |
I of course vote yes. *Paw is raised up high.* !! ^_^ (NT) | Areea Blackwave | 07:39:41 06/18/05 Sat |
I completely vote that he should be in as leader! ^_^ yay! (NT) | Glacia Icedeath | 07:40:27 06/18/05 Sat |
Good, Hey, are Areea and Glacia the same person? (NT) | Trefoil | 07:48:21 06/20/05 Mon |
Nope. Actually we're sisters. But it was close Trefoil lol. (NT) | Areea Blackwave | 07:45:02 06/21/05 Tue |
Aww... I always get things right. Im surprised at myself. I'm so stupid. Boohoohoo. *Cries and cries* (NT) | Trefoil | 09:47:33 06/28/05 Tue |
I got it wrong? Aww... I always get things right. I'm surprised at myself. I'm so stupid. Boohoohoo. *Cries and cries* (NT) | Trefoil | 09:48:50 06/28/05 Tue |
Ah, Trefoil, nut'tin to cry about. ^_^ Alot of people think we're sisters because usually when we get on a computer, it's at the library so we're online and posting stuff near the same time on the same websites and on the same forums lol. So...alot of people do think we're sisters. (NT) | Areea Blackwave | 01:04:25 06/30/05 Thu |
Wow... that's interesting... So very. (NT) | Trefoil | 10:28:23 07/06/05 Wed |