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Date Posted: 14:59:38 08/06/06 Sun
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Am I the only one still here? Mates, there's been a lot of talk about this site, who's going to run it and all, but now it seems everything's been forgotten. I know everybeast's got other stuff to do, and it's hard to get a reply when you post since there's not many still here. But this site won't die unless we let it.
Even if you just check back once every few weeks, like I do, you might find a reply. It's what I've been doing since there seems to be no one, but if anyone will talk, I'll definitely come more. I don't know who's in charge now, but anyone, please let me know if you're here. And if you're not coming back for whatever reason, or are only going to drop in once in a while, you could say that too.
Sankin, Areea, James Otterwood, Raro, all of you seemed like you didn't want this to die. So please, anybeast that's still here, post. I don't want to make it sound like I'm trying to be in charge, but I feel like I'm the only one left and I wanted to write this. I don't want this site to die.
Creatures that haven't joined, Elmflower said that unless someone took over for Meadowrose, new members might not be added. Post anyway--anyone that's here. New, old, I haven't met a lot of creatures here, but those I have have been ones I liked knowing. Just let me know--I don't want this site to die, and I'll be here until it does.
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