Elmflower Twinblades
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Date Posted: 15:31:06 12/12/06 Tue
Author Host/IP: In reply to:
Elmflower Twinblades
's message, "LET'S GET BACK IN BUSINESS!" on 10:37:49 10/06/06 Fri
I am so sick of this. Yeah, I am cranky right now. I broke up with my boyfriend who was being possessive and kinda controlling. Now, he is sending me emails and junk trying to make me feel bad, like I was in the wrong for dreaking up with him. Yeah, I feel bad. I pretty much feel like a turd. So, enough of that, I'm just explaining why I am such a mood as this.
Ok, as I explained in my last message, I am willing to lead this site again, I am willing to bring it back, but I am NOT going to waste my time if no one cares anymore! I get, what, 6 posts a month on here? None on any other forums? No new members? No activity on contests and such? I updated mine, I'm just waiting for my few leaders to go over theirs. Do you all really think that I care so ever much about this site that I am going to take hours a day out of my busy life to try and make it good again and bring in new people and old, forgotten members? Well guess what, I don't. I came back for those few members who had stuck in here, for the friends who still kept in touch. But, unless I see something being done around here, I am not going to stay. Sure, you can call me stupid, inconsiderate, a failure, anything you please, but I really don't care.
I hope some of you think on this, because I am giving you all until the new year to pitch in a bit to get this site running again.
And I do thank Sankin for the help he has provided, and Lavender for talking to me and ocming back. I thank Mickle for remembering me after all this time, the members who have come back, and anyone else who I have fogotten to thank at this time.
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