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Date Posted: 15:16:25 08/06/03 Wed
Author: adrienne
Subject: Re: Rusty Cable: Put up or shut up
In reply to: Rusty Cable 's message, "Re: Rusty Cable: Put up or shut up" on 08:03:38 08/06/03 Wed

>>I guess you could apologize. That's between you and
>>the people you pissed off...
>>Jack Daugherty
>What kind of name is Jack Daugherty? It sounds like a
>character in a gay porno. Fuck you. Oh wait, aren't
>you the ambulance chaser from the east side that races
>for team chalupa? Where have you been? You probably
>haven't raced since the days of leather hair nets and
>toe clips. Why don't you bore us with some stories
>about you and Russ Murphy. Maybe Adrienne busted your
>ass with a strap on. That, we would be interested in.
>Maybe you could be so kind to post a chalupa team
>photo. You definately have the most old, gaystached
>ass pounders. It'll give Bob spank material. Speaking
>of gaystache, what's up with your teammate with the
>BO? He's the stinkiest fucker in the peleton. His
>colostomy bag must be overfilled.
>NEWSFLASH: This post(as the rest) are merely for
>giggles. Well, except the part about your stinky
>teammate. I know people that won't ride near him
>because he smells like he left a opposum rot in his
>anus. I almost forget. Jack, Fuck You. I'm your Mother
>Fucker. You can call me daddy. I may be young, but
>your mom says I'm well hung. She probably says that to
>all of the boys.

Rusty thanks for reminding me! That was a wonderful evening, whipping Jackie boys bare nacked ass till it was a hue of a bloody red mass of flesh.
BTW; Rusty, are you old enough to play or are you still yanking your own twig?

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