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Date Posted: 08:55:28 08/19/03 Tue
Author: LJ
Subject: Re: Cyclocross, hot or not?
In reply to: Seabiscuit 's message, "Cyclocross, hot or not?" on 08:07:32 08/19/03 Tue

You take great risk by asking such a fucked up question. "So what is the deal with Cyclocross"? Let me tell you something dillrod, if you think you are fuckin macho boy dabbing feet on the river trail, get out there in the real world of lung vomit and see what it is all about. Bring your "pass the time" attitude and your FS rig too. We shall see who's touching spandex clad men. Homo. As for skank, we done that already, listed ho's.

>Wow, the hottest cycling chick in the lou thread
>turned up a whopping three or so names. I was really
>hoping to find out about someone's secret porn-star
>So, what's the deal with Cyclocross? How many of you
>guys have a special bike for some races where you're
>not allowed to ride over certain flimsy obstacles? It
>looks kind of fun sometimes but I haven't caught the
>bug. What's up, hot or not? Something to pass the time
>during peak mtb season or something you plan your
>peaks for? Or is it just another excuse to dress up in
>spandex and touch other men?

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