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Date Posted: 23:38:52 08/19/03 Tue
Author: Pig Fucker
Subject: Will somebody please slap Julie Carter upside the head?

Somebody slap that whore upside the head with a monster cock.

Whats the deal with this road race she is trying to put on?

It sounds like a fun race. She had me, until she started moaning about how she is only trying to put it on so that her fucking team can meet USCF requirements, without having to pay an additional fee. So its not like she is "going out of her way to do this great thing, by giving STL another race." Its all about her and team. We owe her nothing for her efforts.


I dont know why she would think the rules and standards set by MOBRA do not apply to her. I put a hex on this event, and I hope it has a piss poor miserable turnout!

If its an event worth having, it will be an event worth being put on in the future by someone who follows the rules and does it right.

I personally am going to dust off my MTB and go support the OGRE series.

Thats totally shitty what that hole is doing.
She even said so herself, its all about her and her team.

FUCK that selfish bitch.

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