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Date Posted: 05:55:01 09/04/03 Thu
Author: I bukakeed myself
Subject: !

This is the official notice. I am hereby abandoning the name 'Bukakee Jones' and all rights and privledges associated with it, both here and on STLBIKING. I get sick of having to explain to people "yeah I am the BJ on CTWF but not the BJ on STLBIKING", particularly my Sunset brothren who do not seem to belive me either way. The odd thing is, if I was STLB BJ, I dont know why I would deny it. The dude never slams anyone and says some pretty funny stuff, the kind of stuff I sometimes wish I had said. It will now be easier to just say "FAWK YOU! I AM NOT BUKAKEE JONES!", and leave it at that without the need for further explanation.

You shall all be notified by a memo printed on official CWTF letterhead, when I come up with an equally crude sounding alias.


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