Subject: *points to them* Up there. And I found it. Look inside for the last posts we made. |
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Date Posted: 09:16:33 09/04/04 Sat
Author Host/IP: In reply to:
's message, "Wot's the Archives?" on 23:14:05 09/03/04 Fri
*smiles at watercress and raro* so what yore names mate? me names ruffgar spearback! (NT) -- ruffgar, 16:50:16 08/27/04 Fri
*Shogga looks at Raro.*Of course I'm beautiful, and in a couple o' season's, you'll be jus' as beautiful as me! *Shogga turns her attention to Ruffgar.* 'Ello, matey, I'm Shogga. An' next time, can yer please not scare me as much? Lav 'ere just about killed me wid fright, an' I'm to young an' beautiful ter die, an' yew wouldn't wan' the death o' me on your 'ands, now would ye? (NT) -- Shogga, 19:02:04 08/27/04 Fri
if you as beutifull as ya say you are then my holt will just love tah see ya! and sorry bout that scaren back there! didn't mean tah mate! (NT) -- ruffgar, 19:32:45 08/27/04 Fri
*Lavender eyes the newcomer a little warily, she hates it when beasts sneak up on her* Hello, Ruffgar (NT) -- Lavender, 08:57:42 08/28/04 Sat
ello! and mostmy apoligies to you miss i didn't mean tah charge ya! (NT) -- ruffgar, 16:12:56 08/28/04 Sat
I'm Raro. This isn't Peace Island is it? We've comed t' the wrong place, hadn't we? (NT) -- Raro, 17:46:47 08/28/04 Sat
peace island? only herad o that place once! (NT) -- ruffgar, 09:40:28 08/29/04 Sun
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