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Sam and Rontou
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Date Posted:
17:21:39 04/16/05 Sat
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Autumn 's message,
The reddish-gold otter was sitting around the campfire, looking straight at the fire, as the blaze danced across her face.
17:19:34 04/16/05 Sat
Sam: The hare sat a little bit away from the fire polishing her saber with quick, efficent moves of her paws. She looked over at her friend.
Rontou: The wolf was sitting far away from the fire, his back against a tree. The massive creature was trying to sleep, but kept checking his saber and long bow.
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*hmm thinks to himself, tom. is the day we arive, I wonder what we'll find*inside for the rest.
22:22:52 04/16/05 Sat
-- sankin,
22:27:10 04/16/05 Sat
**Gideon lay on his back, staring straight ahead. He felt a strange peace about him, considering the next day would probaly be filled with horrific events. Still, Gideon felt that he was ready. His weapons and leather armor were cleaned and the neccessary provisions for the following day's battle were packed. His only minor concern was for the others around him and how they would hold up under heavy warfare. He had faith in their will and courage, but not so much in their skill and battle experience. His mind was still drifting when Rosemarry asked him about Sankin. Without turning his gaze, he answered.** "Sankin is free to travel where he pleases. I wouldn't worry Rose, Sankin just went off to be alone and think. OOC:(inside)
-- Gideon,
19:21:43 04/17/05 Sun
hmmm, so who else is here?thats not everyone is it? (
-- sankin,
13:45:58 04/28/05 Thu
-- Rontou and Sam,
13:43:35 05/01/05 Sun
its ok, I dont mind, well I'll continue on with the mission, if your here or not, untill i hear from you I'll assume that you have done anything that my charecter asks you to.I hope you all like the suprise, I know its never been done on EWA befor.BIc*is still in the woods alone* (
-- sankin,
13:05:11 05/02/05 Mon
OOC: Autumn is here. Nothing interesting to post so..... (
-- Autumn,
09:20:10 05/03/05 Tue
Yay, thanks! BIC:{ Kyle scanned the woods with his keen eyes, when he saw a squirrel, all alone. The black wolf watched him for a second then walked forward casually, ready to draw his saber if he turned out to be foe. }Rontou: The large wolf walked over to where Sam was sitting and sat down beside her. } Sam: The ginger hare smiled as her friend sat down beside her. She drew a piccolo out of her bag and blew a soft melody on it. (
-- Rontou,
09:22:50 05/03/05 Tue
*sankin sees the wolf comeing and barly glances at it, his hand strayed towards his sword*halt. why are you stalking my army?(inside for the rest)
-- sankin,
06:12:35 05/05/05 Thu
-- Rontou,,
07:10:30 05/06/05 Fri
our will is not to fight other than at the Mtn. though I think that questioning is deserved.first why are you sneaking around the camp(inside for the rest)
-- sankin,
10:07:37 05/09/05 Mon
-- Rontou,
20:26:25 05/09/05 Mon
OOC, you seem to keep changing your mind...BIC, okay so now why are you stalking my army? (
-- sankin,
07:15:01 05/11/05 Wed
OOC: I donno, maybe because I don't want Rontou to know EVERYBODY. BIC: Kyle said, quiet surprised. "Oh, so this is your army?" (
-- Rontou,
23:00:05 05/19/05 Thu
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