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Date Posted: 14:41:50 09/04/06 Mon
Author: Ken Griffiths('Mini-Fresh')
Subject: Hood Division 1977-1979

Goodness me! What a shock to find this web site about the 'Nash' tonight.

I left the school in 1979 and went to sea in the merchant navy and stuck with that way of life for about a year and a half - it was ok....just ok. 1980 I joined the Royal Navy as a Radar Operator and by 1982 was fighting a war in the South Atlantic on a Type 42 Destroyer. Survived that scrap and moved up the promotion ladder and transferred to Air Traffic Control and quickly became a SNCO. By 1995 I was yearning a stable family life and 'something' so I made my way into the unknown (life outside an institution!).

Here I am in 2006, I've had a few jobs but settled for Wolseley UK and I now manage a warehouse in Brislington, Bristol. I live in Longwell Green with my wife Carolyn and my two young children, Scott(5)and Hannah(4 months). Life is good fellas, not soaring but I am happy and content with my lot.

Here is a list of some prominant memories I have of the school:

Colin Dicker, Benji the night watchman, Trevor White the vicar(caught me in an embarrassing situation!), Fred Glass (he loved Leo Sayer's music), Steak & Kidney pies every Saturday lunchtime, 10p fine for not making it to wash muster, German nurse(she had a German dog!), Captain Agnew was 'keen' on whiskey, Jim the PTI, Mr Lomax (we thought he was ex SAS), Clare(say no more!), Mr Kenagh? (reminded me of Dennis Healy), Ernie Feltham (if you chopped him in half you would find the words ROYAL NAVY), very badly designed shirts (blue Hood, green Anson, red Bembow).........the list is endless! I have such good and happy memories of the school, the staff and the lads.

Get in touch if you remember me.

All the very best shipmates.

Yours aye.

Ken Griffiths.

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