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Date Posted: 22:34:50 01/07/07 Sun
Author: Richard Blake (The Nash)
Subject: Re: old boys 1966/67
In reply to: mick hayler 's message, "old boys 1966/67" on 15:25:43 09/14/04 Tue

8 January 2007
Hello friends of T.S.Formidable
I found this site quite by accident while searching on web for T.S. Formidable. It really struck me as a rave from the grave seeing all of the information posted, photos and amazing accounts of guys who found themselves living an experience that only T.S Formidable could present at that time.
Like many of the boys who went to the Nash, I was in for care and protection having been sent there in 1966 – 1967. I would say that it was an experience that I shall never forget and one that I remember with fond memories to this day! Of course there was a time when I would have preferred to be at home, that is if I had one at the time however the Nash became our home and all in all it was pretty good most of the time. We were after all fed, clothed and had a big roof over our heads.
I have not contacted anyone since leaving in 67 that is 40 years ago! so have difficulty recalling many of the names. Captain Campbell was the main guy and officers Commander Johnson, Mr Winters, Mr Booth, Mr Smith, I would need help remembering some of the others.
Although the Nash was run as an institution based upon royal Navy Training Principals, I felt that there was a good element in being part of a group of guys of my age in that we had some good laughs as you would in that situation together with comrade support, I guess there would have been about 120 of us in all.
I remember the muster station and one hour gym sessions that developed mussels I didn’t know I had, the amazing assault course and cutter pulling at Portishead docks in sub freezing conditions. The sea trip on the Black Nore where Officers Johnson and Heffer were as sick as the boys. Cleaning stations and the smell of the linseed oil based polish on those dormitory floors, if it did’nt pass inspection there was no shore leave.
Marching to the band on Sundays I think Eros played Bugle with Storey side drum and Defremee on the base drum.
I remember the time they carried grandpa down the stairs in his bed while he slept and put him in the middle of the parade ground. The great Fire that started in the TV Billiard room and spread up into the dormitory of Anson Division that led to the subsequent three separate house entertainment rooms being set up in the revamp.
The Brass Canon which our house Anson won that year meant a lot at the time if only to bash you toes on when you went to the loo at night, it was stuck in the middle of the dormitory!
Captain Campbell tried to get a ship to shore rescue team up and running using the Bosons Boy system being something that would have been amazing had it been allowed by the powers that were.
Commander Johnson teaching sheer leg bridge construction in the parade ground, I still use some of his lashings to this day.
The Welsh Chaplain was a great guy for Rugby and sport and I really enjoyed the choir singing since it was an opportunity to do something musical at the time. The other benefit was extra pay of 1/6d a week.
As the officers Mess Boy I was lucky enough to experience the HMS Victory minesweeper Nato trip to Denmark together with McFarlane but that is another story.
On reflection I believe that all boys should have the experience for at least a year, in such a situation before they go to college or university because it teaches independence, respect, and the realization of what can be achieved through the exercise of physical training at the right age. None of us would ever have got fat on the Nash diet and with the exercises we had to do!
All the best to everyone


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