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Date Posted: 15:03:52 05/21/08 Wed
Author: Frank Young (Reunion)
Subject: Re: THE NASH 1968 - 1970
In reply to: Gerry Lewis 's message, "THE NASH 1968 - 1970" on 12:30:27 04/21/08 Mon

G'day Yes I believe there is a re-union again this year. As far as I know it will be held on the weekend of 30-31 August. The old boys usuall meet up firsr in the bar area of the Travel Inn at Portishead, then later proceed to whatever venue has been arranged. I hope these dates are right as I am coming over from Australia to attend and will be returning the following Saturday
Hope to see you there.
>Hello NASH boys?
>Does anyone remeber me? I used to play scrum-half at
>rugby and was in the cricket team. I also played the
>bugle in the band and did a stint as drum major when
>Steve (Nick) Nichols packed it in.
>I have only just found this site and think it is
>great, but I am fumming that I missed out on any
>re-unions !!!
>Are there any future re-unions planned and if so, when?
>After the NASH I bummed around for a bit before
>joining the Army in 1977. I ended up doing nearly 20
>years. I have to say that without the help and
>recommendation from Capt Campbell I would not of
>gotten in and with his help, even though it was years
>after my time at the NASH and his retirement, he
>carried on looking after 'his' boys and turned my life
>around. For that I will ALWAYS remember him with great
>I hope to hear from anyone who remembers me, I was in
>Anson, but I won't hold it against you if you were in
>Hood or Benbow!!! (joke).

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