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Date Posted: 14:15:04 10/23/12 Tue
Author: neale williams (Williams)
Subject: Hood 1978-1980

I have very happy memories of TS Formidable. It gave me a great platform at a difficult time. I sailed for a dog's watch in the MN and settled down as a London firefighter in 1983 where I've been ever since. Yes well institutionalised!

I was in Hood and remember a guy from Birmingham called Ray who was a good judo player and competent gymnast. I also remember another guy from Birmingham called Cadby, a guy from Bristol St Paul's called Carl Hozniak and someone else from Bristol who took me to his Dad's house one Sunday where I got introduced to cider at the local pub.

I remember things like boxing the bed, parade and my job which I loved was cleaning the gallery.One day I walked past a class doing gymnastics, I leaped in and ran full pelt at the hobby horse ending up in a heap whilst everyone else collapsed in a fit of giggles. That summed up my whole attitude to the school - enthusiastic!

If you remember me do get in touch - I was called Taffy as I came from South Wales.

Best wishes


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