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Date Posted: 08:12:54 01/14/15 Wed
Author: David Probert (good)
Subject: Re: anson 65 / 68
In reply to: allan brooker 's message, "anson 65 / 68" on 05:48:34 04/28/10 Wed

Hi just found this site i was there in 1964 1965 Hood div done S3 S1 and S2 Withe Johno down the docks restoreing the Black Nore formaly Akabo Been back there a few years ago but the place has electric gates at the top of the drive so i didnt get to go down to the terrace to have a look sad i will never forget my time there played rugby there scrum half.will have to go again and just ring the bell perhaps they may let me in.
Dave Probert 81 Hood Div.

>hi to you all ,How the years have gone by , these were
>some of the best days of my life what a laugh.
>I remember del crabbe. rodger Firth, Ray & tony
>Brennan ,brothers but one left before the other one
>arrived. Alan Warren, George Defreeme, Dennis Reynolds,
>I got extra pocket money doing the church boiler on
>sunday mornings, I do remember the fire we were on the
>schools old fire pump, I played rugby, and was in the
>boxing club run by Tony pemprase ,and was it old mr
>Chorlton we called him stumpy he had a bad limp or
>something. I remember the cuts off johno fuck me they
>hurt. I remeber mr and Bob Purdy the cook driving
>Mr Warts old rover car at 90 miles an hour and
>changing over the driver at that speed,I also remeber
>aguy we called Toejo he was a laugh and who was it we
>used to talk to while he slept and have a full
>conversation with. it used to crack me up.
>As for the waxing of the floors and then polishing up
>with the bumpers. I remember the blue room boys and
>used to make toast on the irons. we all rember the bed
>sheet trick ,and how many remeber the trick with the
>bumper handels through the sleeves of the shirt or
>jumper into a crusifix and hung up between two open
>doors, where you would be stripped below the waste and
>have black boot polish applied to the bollocks .
>Tastefull lot we were.
>I was away at camp( South Moulton )when the 1966 world
>cup was on we travelled into Torquay and watch it in
>the high street in a television retal shop window at
>the summer camp I caught a big bucket of trout from
>the river.
>As for me being there as a punishment it was great a
>must for any young tearaway give you disapline with
>repect to your team mates and all the staff gives you
>a lesson in life , these were happy times for me, I
>will attend this years reunion and all you lads who
>remember me and the ones I fought with George And
>Dennis and Alan lets have a drink and finish it off in
>the car park LOL only joking it would be great to
>meet up again,
>Best wishes to you all kind regars to you and your
I was

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