Date Posted:18:03:59 04/07/18 Sat Author:John Taylor Subject: Re: Anson division 56 58 In reply to:
brian deedman
's message, "Re: Anson division 56 58" on 14:16:54 03/11/13 Mon
>>Returned,with great sadness after fifty years,but
>>timeevaperated as I stood looking at the old
>>girl.Suddenly it was the fifties returned,and it was
>>like i had never left.Memories are precious,but
>>whilstthey are good memories,one can always be young
>>again for a while.hope to make the reunion in
>>September,but so happy to know I am not the only one
>>who cared for the school.Best regards to any old boys
>>reading this.
>re anson div 1956-57 do u remember a boy called micky
>davis he was my best mate and sharing partner and we
>were at the classifying school together but sadly lost
>touch he joined the army from the nash i saw him a few
>times after that he used to come home with me to
>bournemouth on leave i wish to get in touch if he is
>still alive
Hi guys , my name is John Taylor...I lived at the Nash from 1949 - 1957, my father was the Captain...JCN Taylor...have many happy memories of the Nash, the salt water pool , the woods, the band, film night in the dining hall, we used to sit at the back up on those metal chairs... you guys getting the blame when us kids let off the fire alarms in the school, the coshes you guys made out of rope, a stone with a rope knotted around it...