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Date Posted: 13:56:06 04/23/03 Wed
Author: Andy
Subject: Gordon Sollors

It is with great sorrow that I learned that Gordon had crossed the bar. He helped to set up the Formidable site with a book, many photo's and memories, which helped the Training Ships site in general.
Gordon had been searching for information and relatives of his old school oppo Brian Burnham who had died shortly after leaving Formidable on a convoy. Brian and a number of others had left the SS Fort Bellingham after it was hit at night, using a power-lifeboat. Two other crew members left in a raft and were picked up out of the freezing dark sea by a German boat and became prisoners of war.
A British boat was ordered to blow up the Bellingham as it had not sunk, and picked up a number of crew who had stayed on the ship first.
They did not find the power-lifeboat, and Brian was repoted missing under the wrong name.
I was able to put Gordon in contact with Brians brother who by chance was still living in Coventry, and he was able to exchange photo's and memories of Brian.
Gordon also had Brians name put on the war memorial in London, and I believe he named his son Brian after his old school oppo.
After Gordon's life long search, it was good to know he had finally found out some information, and contacted Brians family, we send Gordons wife and family our thoughts in their time of sorrow.


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