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Date Posted: 11:17:14 01/12/05 Wed
Author: jock maclachlan
Subject: Re: The Nash
In reply to: Steven Nicholls 's message, "Re: The Nash" on 23:45:31 04/02/04 Fri

>Hey there,
>Well I must say it is good to here from someone,
>anyone who has been to Nash! I have travelled the
>world since and have lived life!
>I have met many people who have served in the navy
>andsaid that they served in the toughest navel school.
>I wonder how they would have put up with three years
>in the nash?! Even those who spent time at Ganges some
>say the toughest of the lot.
>Not to worry life is what we make it we do what we do
>and take responsibility for it right!
>This is a group I started before I knew of the TS
>Formiddible site, I think as long as it brings us all
>together what the heck. Yahoo was going to close it
>down because of inactivity but somebody joined the
>other day and they told me there was hope it might
>survive :-)
>I remember my first day there and my last and all the
>days in between. yes you are right Commie John was
>still there and I was proud to study with him. I was
>stroke oarsman and to tell you the truth I cannot
>remember the differance between summer and the cold
>winter weather when we went out in the 14 man cutter.
>I was in Benbow coming from Plymouth, Devon. I had
>friends mostly in Benbow but will never forget the
>friends I made from the other dorms. Anson and Hood.
>anson was holding young men from the North and Hood
>was holding young men mostly from Wales and
>surrounding areas.
>There was this guy who made a post on our site the NNS
>who was talking about so many girls names I could not
>believe it. We made our way down the drain pipes
>risking our lives to be with them if ever we saw them
>out the window of our dorm on a friday night or a
>saturday night! Other than that if you were one of the
>lucky ones and i must say I was one who was because I
>played rugby with a teacher who was called John Hiles
>from Bristol. He choose me and a couple others to play
>at a Bristol rugby club on the odd Saturday. Well we
>did turn up for a game or two but mostly we went to
>the skating ring in Bristol where we would chat up the
>girls and have a bloody good time!
>We played lots of pranks on each other, like creating
>a cherry bed! remaking someones bed before they got
>into it and to their dismay it was folded in such a
>way they could not get into it! Putting a pale of
>water over the door at night when the nightwatchman
>came around man he would get drenched but we would
>suffer the consequences! Big Time! but it was worth it.
>One day the Captain Cambell was doing early rounds and
>I was late getting out of bed, I think I must have
>been having a wet dream. He ended up shouting at me
>"Get out of bed Nicholls"! I did but I hard this great
>hard on and was naked in front of everyone. I will
>never forget the smerk on his face I think I brought
>him back to life for a second!
>He was always a quite man and distant, now Hefford was
>second in command and he was a bit more lively. we
>ended up getting Quinnell who always loved to shout he
>was always in such a bother and always looked out of
>place in his uniform. He never did any service I could
>tell and to this day i will eat my hat if I fine out
>he evr did! Almost every time he shouted he would lose
>his flase teeth. so we would try to make him mad to
>get him to do it again! hehe
>well so much to say but one day I will write more,
>Chief Pressganger for:
>Take it easy
>Steven Nicholls
>>I missed you by a few years as i was a Nash boy 61/62
>>but i remember Comander Johnson as my backside has
>>never lost the marks from his 6 of the best.
>>captain campbell was the boss and i remember (Kate) a
>>man Deals ran caytering
>>I was in Anson division and port stroke in the cutter.
>>Hope to hear from you.
i played rugby at scrum half we had games against senior bristol schools and the army cadets we would go to the glen dance hall in bristol on sat

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