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Welcome to the board. This board is a Christian forum which seeks to promote discussion and debate with those in other religions and who have different world views. Wiccans, Pagans, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, those with New Age beliefs, atheists, and all others, are welcome here. If you want to debate your view with Christians, then this is the place. Please bear in mind that if you are offended by people challenging your beliefs then best go elsewhere. Also, do not be offended if the Christians here want to tell you about salvation in Christ. It's a Christian board and you need to expect this. Please bear in mind that "debate" does not = rudeness. We can all disagree without being rude. Please remember this and respect each other.
RULES OF THE FORUM: No swearing, blasphemy, threats, pretending to be someone else (your ISP address will give you away anyway), posting offensive or pornographic images, or spamming with irrelevant advertisements or URLs advertising a product or website not relevant to the theme of the board, etc. Any of these will get you banned from the board and your message deleted. Also, if I suspect that someone is asking questions simply designed to waste time or mock the forum, they will be ignored and possibly have their message deleted. Sorry if that all sounds tough folks but all of these things have happened here and there needs to be order.
Visit: Spotlight Ministries for Christian apologetic articles and research on Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormonism, Wicca, Paganism, Witchcraft, Occultism, the New Age Movement, and much more.
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