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Subject: Re: WAVES TO CJ

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Date Posted: 01:37:16 11/16/04 Tue
In reply to: Silverofx 's message, "Re: WAVES TO CJ" on 00:44:27 11/16/04 Tue

"Now this post i get good vibs from"
Ok, I read your post twice to make sure I didn't miss anything and thank you for giving me something that you do believe in. Now I know more about you, yourself. Ok you had said before though that you live your life by the example of what you feel "god" is like. We all have things we like and dislike because of pattern, culture, bad and good experiences and so on, you know the media. Now this last post gave you good vibes you said and that's what I question. In a real interrogative way, how can you be certain that you only accepted what you believed was God because it pleased you? because it suited your way of life? You said you have accepted Jesus Christ but yet you left many of His teachings and mch of what the Kingdom has to offer out. Why? I wonder if it is because you did not receive the gift of the Holy Spirit who would explain it all to you. I mean, the work that Christ did on the Cross is more than enough to connect us with that higherself. It's like this, if Jesus was at the highest peak and He did all the work and completed the law and you accept Him into your heart and He guides you then you are in the same level as He is. Do you get where i'm going with this? I'm sorry but i cannot accept the fact that there is a higher plane that we are unworthy of that we are to "work" our way to because that is a very religious idea. But if the price has already been paid, why should anyone else pay? Are some people more special than others? No, but we are all equal we are all born dying but because some have found the Light doesn't mean that the others are lesser but simply that one must go back and help them. See, the leap of faith that one takes in truly accepting Christ and allowing Him to renew one's mind makes the person whole and it is only a matter of being Loved and Consumed by God's Spirit, not working further to become wiser or holier. It's reaching a rest in the Holy Spirit as oppossed to struggling to grow. This is why without accepting Christ and all that He has to offer one undergoes unnecessary toils and should a "christian" fall he gets back up and learns "for though a righteous man stumble he gets back up each time". As oppossed to allowing guilt to linger or this doctrine to work. because no one can ever do enough good to earn anything such as God's Kingdom.

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Re: WAVES TO CJsilverfox10:54:56 11/16/04 Tue

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