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Subject: Re: Was Jesus REAL!! - YES!!!!

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Date Posted: 22:34:14 11/29/04 Mon
In reply to: silverfox 's message, "Re: Was Jesus REAL!! - YES!!!!" on 11:18:45 11/28/04 Sun

>the bible has the same problem it can't be whole
>heartdly proven...i'm sorry can you say that again for the millions of whole-hearted believers, please.

Cj, you called Jesus a fable in one of your posts, so we know what you're aiming at. Another thing, God said that His people perish for lack of knowledge of the law. In other words He doesn't expect us to be stupid sheep and ignorant but wise as serpents and gentle as butterflies. I may not be very researched on the vatican history or the so called "church's history" but if you go by that, i'm sorry but you are going by man's stories and fables written by pompous baffoons. right now I am with Jesus, Him and I are one and no one can take that from me or my sisters and brothers. Science cannot nor is it meant to prove evolution nor God nor any other theory. Your belief is according to your faith, so if you don't have the faith just say it. Jesus was before creation so don't get us started on who came first. All I really got to say is that you were raised with religion and it's religion you have a problem with so don't be getting Jesus or my brothers and sisters involved because we have seen the things of the Spirit and believe me we are not the ones that seem "ignorant". Peace.

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Re: Was Jesus REAL!! - YES!!!!Wendy11:28:08 11/30/04 Tue

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