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Subject: Re: Mr George W Bush (I HATE BUSH)

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Date Posted: 13:26:44 01/03/05 Mon
In reply to: CJ 's message, "Re: Mr George W Bush (I HATE BUSH)" on 13:24:41 01/03/05 Mon

>>But whoever is president has half the country hating
>>him, so I think it is just a matter of people not
>>accepting authority. It is the same in the UK. Mr
>>Blair is a very good leader, he's not perfect, but we
>>could have done much worse. But the press are always
>>trying to find fault with him. People are not happy if
>>one policy brought in is not working for them, so they
>>pour out criticism on the whole of that leader's
>>authority. From what I can see this is the same for
>>Bush. He makes decisions and sticks to them, that's
>>the sort of leader a country needs, not a dithering
>>indecisive person. Every one's entitled to their
>>oppinion, but I do think Carey could be getting
>>criticised by now for something he'd been voted in
>>for, that's politics.
>First of all it's kerry not carey. But second this is
>perhaps what is wrong with people they blindly follow
>people without question and here in america we don't
>just throw respect around because the person is in a
>position of authority. That person earned a vote but
>not the respect the position comes with in fact his
>popularity since his election has dropped by 8% in a
>matter of a few weeks. This is a problem and I think
>many people are second guessing what they did. In
>america tyhe president works for the people, he is
>suppose to answer to the people but politicians think
>they rise above the people for some reason and don't
>have to listen to us. I personally think it's time to
>change the electoral policies of this country it's
>outdated and doesn't work anymore. second I think the
>people should vote on politicians payraises and
>benefits then maybe we would have some real
>representation. But thats enough bable about politics.

Oh yeah and don't find it strange wendy many men died so that we would be able to speak our minds. It started when we decided to seperate from the UK.

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