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Subject: Re: i think the argument is flawed

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Date Posted: 17:16:39 01/08/05 Sat
In reply to: silverfox 's message, "i think the argument is flawed" on 14:52:59 01/08/05 Sat

>I've read this argument before. I thought this might
>be what you are refering to. Phisophically this
>argument is flawed because it limits you to just three
>choices. Where as i think their are many more
>possiblities to it but this tries to limit you to
>three choices and say it can only be one of these
>three things. He could be very spiritually but that
>does not atuomatically make him the son of god. ALso
>this arugment assumes that what is said in the bible
>is true or has been translated correctly which is a
>problem for me. THis argument just totally tries to
>over simplifiy thigns and it just can't easily be
>boiled down to three choices like that. WHen i look at
>that i don't logically see why it can't be said jesus
>was just a man or a very spiritual man who had a
>connection with god (though wasn't god or god's son)

Just to clarify I originally said jesus was a good prophet meaning perhaps he had a clear clarvoiancy. A clear connection and very detailed in prophecizing future events and such. Well perhaps one of the best psychics of the time. What better way to get people's attention then to claim you are the son of God or have someone say he must be the son of God as he is so clear and has a great vision. I didn't say he was a good man. Just good at what he did.

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