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Subject: Re: Your god.

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Date Posted: 16:10:23 01/09/05 Sun
In reply to: Celebryn 's message, "Re: Your god." on 01:17:24 12/17/04 Fri

>I wrote "it/they" as a way to try and encompass all
>the Gods/Goddess/deities/Jesus/God/Buddah etc etc etc.
I know this reply is a bit late but I've read it a couple of times now along with some other replies and have found that it is difficult for some to really comprhend or perceive what another is writing. And that what is written is to not be interpreted literally but in some cases we must try to look abstractly at it as a metaphor. Most people reading your reply celebryn know what was spoken, what you as a non-christian must realize is that you will always be scrutinized. this is a time when christianity is in question more than ever and unfortunately we pagans become targets as the ones who fired the first shot. Metaphorically speaking that is. the magnifying glass can be easily turned around. This is why research and wisdom must be applied. But where does wisdom come from? Is it taught hence learned? Is it through experience of life that we gain the wisdom and knowledge to question our beliefs or for that matter someone else's? I don't mean question like belittling I mean question like curiosity. Like reading the new testament and finding out that the church has admitted that many stories where made up false. One at that point would make the query to oneself if what one was reading was not all together un-true. If one were to listen to oneself and what one was taught growing up is to feel guilty for the sins you commit and questioning the church would make you feel kind of guilty wouldn't it. So in that aspect the thought of purgery is dismissed ignorantly despite the facts, and we continue to blindly follow the shepard, interest analogy where did the shepard lead it's flock eventually? Yes thats right to the slaughter!! Like sheep to the house to the table of which we will be thanked for our sacrifice and forgot about. we look for acceptance we wilol never find

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Re: Your god.Celebryn01:17:18 01/10/05 Mon

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