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Subject: Re: Jerry Springer the Opera

Esra the Ranter
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Date Posted: 02:26:06 01/11/05 Tue
In reply to: silverfox 's message, "Re: Jerry Springer the Opera" on 15:14:35 01/10/05 Mon

I'm sure the real Jesus- risen Son of Man is not over concerned by
last Saturdays portrayal of him as admitting to being "just a tweeny
weeny bit gay" (I thought modern art valued originality) and as, well
implied, an "adult baby" (now that one is new I admit).

Since he made his appearance in the flesh in Bethlehem some two
Millenia ago the Son of Man has faced quite a bit of opposition. But
somehow I think he is big enough to take it!
After all he was branded a sorcerer and a drunkard, but his response
was to forgive all manner of sin and blasphemy to those who truly
repent because he had authourity to do so.

Then they handed up to the worst manner of death. Hanging on a common
gallows like a felon to prove him a blasphemous felon. So he rose
from the dead with power to show he was Son of God. Having of course
through his blood atonement broken the power of sin to alienate us
from God, sinful mankinds estranged father.

So now that he sits on the right hand of the Majesty on High with the
name above all names worshipped by angels and a countless number of
saints he has redeemed with the utter weakness his shed blood. I
think the son of man (who has an excellent sense of humor) will laugh
at the little comic opera from a remote corner of the Earth (BBC2).

But not for the reasons the producers intended.........

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Re: Jerry Springer the OperaWendy14:00:09 01/13/05 Thu

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