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Subject: Greetinngs from United Ministries Pakistan

Pastor Rashid Emmanuel
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Date Posted: 05:28:15 11/03/07 Sat

Dear Brethren in Christ,

Blessings and Greetings in the powerful name of Lord Jesus Christ,

My name is Pastor Rashid Emmanuel and I am Director of United Ministries Pakistan. We are preaching and teaching the Word of God in very remote and un-church areas of Pakistan. You can visit on our ministry website www.umpk.org and you can know more about our work through our website. Today I have visited on your website and I found your website is a great website and you are doing a great work for Lord Jesus Christ. I found that you are spreading the Word of God in all over the world through your publications and very unique topics which are very important to understand Christian Faith. I believe that if anybody visit on your website and read your site carefully then he/she will be a change man/woman. If your site will be in all major languages of the World then this will be great asset for preaching the Word of God in all over the world.

I want to introduce you about Pakistan. Pakistan is an Islamic country and Urdu is national language of Pakistan. Total population of Pakistan is 160 Million and only 3% people are Christians in Pakistan. In all over the World about 400 Million people are Urdu and Punjabi speaking people and they are living in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and some other countries of the world. Majority Urdu and Punjabi speaking people are Muslim and if your site will be translated into Urdu and Punjabi this will be great work and People can read online these unique topic on your website. Literacy rate is very low in these countries and majority people are not able to understand English. If you need Urdu and Punjabi translation for your website and for Booklets and books, we offer our services for translation. It will be great honor for us to be a part of your mission. We will give you Urdu type pages in Uni-code format that can be easily open in MS word in any where in the World. We are praying for your unique work that Lord bless your work day by day and your website spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in many countries in different languages. If you need any kind of information regarding Urdu online pages I will be very happy guide you. I hope to receive your reply soon.

God bless you richly,

Your brother in Jesus Christ,

Pastor Rashid Emmanuel
United Ministries Pakistan
Website: www.umpk.org

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