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Subject: Re: stunt day for you

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Date Posted: 15:00:14 08/02/04 Mon
In reply to: OOO 's message, "stunt day for you" on 13:55:34 08/02/04 Mon

sorry, stuffed up the dates.

On the 22/08/04 circuit breakers have a ride day at oran park. there will be 4 groups, as far as stunting goes, you will have the main straight to do your stuff on, there is a limit of 10 ppls on this day, each person will get about 1.5min for each run/sesion. you can do a half day or a full day.
min/max: 10 ppls = $100 = 4 sesions. half day
min/max: 10 ppls = $140 = 7 sesions. full day
22nd august 2004
oran park raceway
book threw circuit breakers.
time: 8.30am be there

On the 19/09/04 we got unlimited time for 4 hours. thats 4hours of stunting. we got a section on the other side of the track thats 500metres long. about the same as piles rd.
min" 20 ppls = $80 each = four 3min sesions each
19th september 2004
oran park raceway
book threw circuit breakers.
time: 8.30am be there

we might even do one trick each, so that youare on the track more frequently, so you not waiting so long between sesions.
eg: one person does a weelie then goes off, then the next comes on and does another trick and so on and so forth. I think this way will be more hectic. i dont know. Please give me feed back on these sujestions, as we want to get this right, so its fair and fun for all.
cheers corey

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