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Subject: Tour de Hunter

Streetfighter Ned
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Date Posted: 11:52:03 05/01/03 Thu

May 3: Tour de Hunter: The event involves riders (and pillions if they wish) completing an entry form and paying a small entry fee ($20.00). They will then receive a card.
On the day, entrants will ride to six checkpoints spread throughout the Lower Hunter Valley, present their card at each checkpoint and have them verified. The checkpoints will be located at Wollombi, Broke, Singleton, Gresford, Dungog and Stroud, and will be open from 9.00 am to 3.00 pm on the 3 May 2003 only. There will be food and drink on sale at each checkpoint.
At the end of the day, riders will make their way to the Newcastle Foreshore area and deposit their cards with organisers by 4.15 pm. There will be a draw for any donated prizes at 4.30 pm.
All entry fees and any monies raised on the day will be donated to Ronald McDonald House at the John Hunter Hospital here in Newcastle, a very worthwhile charity indeed.

Further notes: There is no actual start place or time for the event. We are trying to encourage entry prior to the day, if possible.
So then, if people from, say, Sydney pre-enter, they can then ride straight to their first checkpoint from Sydney, which would probably be Wollombi. Or in the case of someone from north, say Taree, then they could ride straight to their first checkpoint, which would probably be Stroud.
All six checkpoints will be open from 9.00 am to 3.00 pm on Saturday 3 May 2003.
However, for riders that wish to enter on the day, we will have a presence at the Newcastle Foreshore from about 7.30 am on the day, right through to the end of the day when the prize draw, etc takes place at 4.30pm.
Riders will also be able to enter at any checkpoint on the day as well.
Entries will be taken right throughout the day, but entering prior to the day would be better for all concerned, both the riders and the organisers.
Catering arrangements will have to be made at all the checkpoints, and as you can appreciate, we want to satisfy everyone by having enough food and drinks to go round.
So, as you can see, the event starts for each person when they visit their first checkpoint.
Anyone interested?

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