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Subject: stunter in cardiff?

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Date Posted: 15:57:42 03/26/06 Sun

I left work at 1:30 on saterday and went the way i do everyday but this time i was followed by another bike, i was looking at it in my mirrors and seen a hand brake and i was like wtf? in newcastle - no way. so when i took of and went over the speed humps i did a few crap wheelies and keeped going, well as im going up the hill just before the train station i look in my mirrors again and wham he pulls a mad stand up - not to fast not to slow (little choppy, from the wind to i think - and high tire pressure) any ways -

dude if you are on this board post up - i wouldnt mind comming to watch you guys at the spot one day (wherever that is).

sorry for the long post - it just put a smile on my face for the rest of the day, thanx dude

ps, just found out on stuntlife that its neds - post up or email me at da@sykesgroup.com

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