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This board is for the alerting of Breed Specific Legislation or other laws that affect dog owners such as the infamous Puppy Protection Act that would have effectively ended all breeding, even that of service dogs as well as guardian bills which would make it more difficult for people to work with their dogs or compete with them even in fun activities such as Agility!
Please when you post, refrain from profanities, name calling, insults, etc. This board is for information sharing only regarding upcoming BSL issues, etc.
When you post a BSL, please make sure you give the community, state/province, country and contacts (such as legislator to be contacted) and if possible, the text or URL for the proposed law. Why all this? Well, many times there is rumor of a BSL but it is just that. We do not want people running willy-nilly and annoying law makers when at the time there is no need to. You may also post about articles that are encouraging breed bans and please include the newspaper and contacts so that we may voice our opinions!
Only the good will be punished if they go through!
Thank you, be nice and let's stop those BSLs! Karen
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